Chapter 21: JoJo's POV/ David Jacobs' POV

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Once Crutchie and I came back into the Lodging House, some of the boys started to hound us on where we were, but we didn't answer them. Instead, I just went into my room while Crutchie went upstairs into the rooftop.

I started to pack everything that I had until I heard one of the other boys walk into the room.

"So, I'm guessing you are leaving New York with Jack and Crutchie, aren't you?". I turned around to face the person and found out that it was Albert.


"Well, I know that I can't convince you or Crutchie to change your mind about this, so all I can do is wish you all the best of luck and hope that all of you stay safe"

"Thanks, Albert. I will make sure that Jack knows that you were the one who warned us about Brooklyn and the other newsies"

"No, I don't think that Jack would appreciate that if I was the one who warned you two, especially since Finch and I held him down while Race destroyed his art book. I still don't think that he would forgive me for that"

"You never know unless you talk to him. Anyways, I have to make sure that Crutchie is ready to leave. Jack said that he wanted to leave New York as soon as possible"

"Ok, I hope that I can see you sometime soon, JoJo. And hopefully Jack as well"

"Me too, Albert". I walked out of the room and met up with Crutchie at the front door, then we walked back to Davey's apartment to help Jack prepare to leave New York.

David Jacobs' POV

Honestly, it will be the hardest thing in the world to tell Katherine and Ms. Medda that Jack was going to leave New York and probably won't ever come back. I don't know how they would reacted once I tell them that Jack is leaving.

I decided to tell Katherine first because she lived the closest to my apartment and I thought that she would take the news a lot more better than Ms. Medda because I knew that, no matter what, she would fully support Jack's decision.

I knocked on the front door of Katherine's apartment and she answered it a few seconds after I knocked on it.

"Hi, Davey. What can I do for you?"

"Actually, I just came here to tell you something. Can I come in?"

"Sure". She let me inside the apartment, then let me sit on the couch. "Ok, what did you want to tell me?"

"Ok, I know that it would be hard to hear, as much as it would be hard for me to say it, but Jack is leaving New York"

"... What? Why? What is he going?"

"There has been a situation where all of the newsies in New York might unite to hunt down Jack and take him to Brooklyn, so Spot Conlon could beat him up"

"Why would they do to him? Haven't they done enough to hurt him?"

"I know, and Crutchie and JoJo will be leaving with him"

"Yeah, I expected that Crutchie wouldn't want to leave without Jack, and I know that JoJo really looked up Jack, especially since he is one of the youngest newsies"

"Yeah, but Jack wanted me to ask you if you would show up at the train station, so that you can say goodbye to him before he left"

"Of course, I would! You don't have to tell me twice!"

"Ok, I will see you there. Anyways, I have to go. I still need to tell Ms. Medda about the news"

"Ok, Davey. I will see you at the train station". After that, I left Katherine's apartment, then headed to Ms. Medda's theater.

"I shouldn't surprised that Jack is leaving, but I can't believe that he had to leave because of the other boys. They really have gone too far this time". Surprisingly, Ms. Medda had taken the news very well, but she was still upset that Jack had to leave.

"I know, but at least he would have Crutchie and JoJo with him"

"I know, and I'm glad that Crutchie was able to make up with Jack, seeing how he really seemed to regret what he did to Jack, and I'm glad that Jack was able to make up with another of the boys, especially since I know that he always had a soft spot for the younger boys. Anyways, I will miss seeing him at the theater, but as long as he is safe, then that is all that matters"

"Also, Jack wanted me to ask if you wanted to come to the train station, so that you could say goodbye to him"

"Of course, I would come to the train station. I will meet you there"

"Ok, I will see you there, Ms. Medda. I have to go now"

"Ok. Bye, Davey, thanks for telling me about Jack"

"No problem, Ms. Medda". Once I left the theater, I went back home and told my parents about the situation, at which they would shocked about, but they understood that Jack to do what he needed to do, then they said that they will be at the train station to say goodbye to Jack whenever he was ready to leave.

Well. Goodbye, Jack. I'm sorry that you had to leave like this, and I hope that one day you would come back to visit us, and that maybe you would be able to make amends with the rest of the other boys.

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