Chapter 19: Les Jacobs' POV/ Crutchie's POV

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As much as I didn't want to admit it, it was sort of nice to see Jack smile and be happy for once since the first time he came here.

Despite what David and Jack only see from me, I wasn't that mad at Jack to see him upset like that, especially at night when he would have nightmares. No-one else heard him, but I did and I would try my best to comfort him just like Mom would do if I had nightmares.

Of course, he would never hear me or see him do it because he still thinks that I don't like him anymore, but even I can't stand to see the guy suffer.

From all of the conversations that I overheard from Crutchie, David, Jack, and JoJo, I couldn't believe that the others would do that to him, especially Race. I didn't think that they would go that far to teach him a lesson about what he did at the rally.

Speaking of the rally, I guess that Davey had a point from one of our many arguments about Jack that I needed to do some thinking about what happened at the rally. I had always been upset with Jack for almost hitting me, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought about how it seemed that Jack probably never meant to make it look like he wanted to hit me. Maybe he thought that one of the other boys wanted to fight him, and not me.

I don't know if I want to talk to him. It is not like he would forgive me when I apologized or even want to believe me since I made it clear that I didn't want anything to do with him.

"I think that you should just talk to him, Les", Sarah stated. Jack, Crutchie, JoJo and David were in the living room, so I decided that I wanted to be in Sarah's room because she was the only person would wanted to listen to me.

"But how? It is not like he would believe me if I apologized to him, especially since I made it clear to him that I hated him"

"But how would you know that if you don't talk to him? You need to talk to him, Les, it would be better for the both of you to work past your differences and make amends with each other"

"I guess that you're right, Sarah, but would he even want to talk to me?"

"I can't answer that for you, Les, I think that you would have to find that out yourself". I walked out of Sarah's room and into the living room, but I noticed that Crutchie and JoJo were not here anymore. I guess that they already left, but that is fine since that would mean less people in the room while I talk with Jack.

"Look, Les, I really don't want to fight with you right now". Jack just looked tired and that he didn't want to deal with me while David looked at me with a harsh glare.

"I don't want to fight with you. I wanted to talk to you"

"Les--", Davey started to say, but I interrupted him.

"Jack, I want to apologize to you"

"What?". Davey and Jack looked surprised that I wanted to apologize to him.

"I'm sorry. I never should have been that angry with you. I was just upset about the rally and how you almost hit me, but that doesn't mean that I should have treated you like that. I didn't mean what I said when I said that you weren't my friend anymore and that you were a traitor. I don't think that you are a traitor and I still want to be friends with you if you still want that". Jack stayed silent for a moment, which I thought that he didn't accept my apology until he spoke up again.

"Les, of course I forgive you. And I'm sorry that I almost hit you. I didn't mean to, I thought that you were one of the boys coming after me to start a fight with me"

"I forgive you". Jack and I hugged each other, and I could tell that Davey was smiling at the fact that we finally made up. I'm glad that Jack was still my friend. I hope that this moment never ends.

Crutchie's POV

I didn't want to leave Davey's apartment, but I knew that JoJo and I had to make it back to the Lodging House before any of the other boys went out to look for us.

Unfortunately, as soon as we walked out of Davey's apartment, I noticed that someone was walking toward us. Was that Albert? What was he doing here?! Did he find out that Jack was here?!

"There you two are! Why were you guys here anyways?! You know what, that doesn't matter, we have a bigger issue than that!". I dragged Albert away from the front of Davey's apartment and into an alleyway near the apartment.

"What is the problem, Albert?"

"First of all, I need to ask. Is Jack staying at Davey's apartment?"

"... Yes, he is. But don't tell anyone about that"

"That is the last thing that I want to do! Especially with what is happening right now!"

"What is going on?"

"Spot Conlon wants Jack found. I don't know why, but everyone says that he wants to beat up Jack and every newsie in New York is on the search for him right now. And Race said that he'll allow the Brooklyn newsies to come into Manhattan to look for Jack. Finch is on the way to Brooklyn to let Spot know about that"

"What?!". This is bad. This is very bad! It wouldn't take that long for them to find Jack, and who knows what would happen to Jack if Spot Conlon gets his hands on him.

"We have to warn Jack about this", JoJo said.

"I know. Albert, go back to the Lodging House. We have to warn Jack about this. Thank you"

"I will do anything to help Jack. He is still my brother". Albert ran back to the Lodging House while Crutchie and JoJo turned back toward the direction of Davey's apartment.

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