Chapter 16: Crutchie's POV

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"Jack. It is nice to see you again. And it was nice of you calming down JoJo like that"

"Well, I never seen the kid act like that before. I don't like whenever I see any of you cry, especially the younger ones, so I just had to do it"

"Well, that was great"

"Listen, you and I both know what we really need to talk about, so let's just get it over with"

"Ok, Jack... I don't even know what to say. I know that I should that 'I'm sorry', but that is not even enough. I never should have treated you like that, you never deserved it. I was just angry about the rally and what you called me on the rooftop, but that doesn't mean that you deserved to be treated like trash. I don't even know why I handed Race my crutch in the first place, or maybe I do. I just too caught in the fact that I blamed you for getting me arrested that I just wanted to hurt you like I have been hurt, so I thought that the best way to do it was to have someone beat you with the crutch since that is what Snyder did to me, and I never should have done that, especially to you. I know that it is not a good excuse and that there is never a good excuse, and I understand that you never want to see us again after today since Davey told us that you didn't want to see us after today, but... I'm just sorry, Jack, and if you don't forgive me, then I won't hold it against you and I will understand"

"Crutchie...", Jack was about to speak, but I still had more to say to him.

"I saw all of the money and the letter in the crate. I can't believe that you would do that for us. I know that you wanted me to help you out, and I probably should have, but I didn't know about it"

"It was written the day before you found out what I said on the rooftop, so I decided that it was pointless since everyone would just assume that I was trying to bribe them into liking me again. So, I just placed the money and letter into the crate and hoped that no-one would find it"

"Look, I understand if you hate us for the rest of your life, especially me since I don't deserve any of your forgiveness"

"Just like I told JoJo, no matter what, you are still going to be my brother. I can forgive you, but that doesn't mean that I will forget what happened. I didn't mean what I said on the rooftop, I was just upset, and I'm sorry that I didn't help you out when you got arrested"

"Jack, it wasn't your fault that I got arrested! I was just angry about what you said and pinned the entire blame on you, but I don't blame you anymore and you shouldn't blame yourself. As for what you said on the rooftop, I understand that you were upset about me getting arrested and you didn't know what you were saying"

"But that is not a good excuse. I still hurt you, even if I didn't intend to, but I still did, and I'm sorry for that"

"I know that you would never do or say anything that would hurt me, but I guess that I forgot about that"

"It's fine, Crutchie, I forgive you". I went over to him and hugged him and he hugged back, but then I realized that this would probably be the last time that I would be able to hug him because he said that he didn't want to see us after tonight. I don't want this to end, especially not after I had just made up with him.

"Jack, I don't want this to be the last time we have to see each other, not after we had just made up with each other. I don't want this moment to end"

"I don't want it to end too, Crutch. And I guess that it won't kill me if I allow you and JoJo to see me every once in a while, as long as you don't tell the others where I am or let them follow you or JoJo"

"Of course, I won't tell the others and I doubt that JoJo will tell the others as well. I don't want to mess this up a second time". Once we finished, we walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where Davey and JoJo were there, waiting for us.

"So, I'm guessing that everything went well?", Davey asked while he smirked.

"Yeah. Yeah, Davey, rub it in. We all made up, and I think that I might reconsider the decision I made about only letting them see me once"

"You will?", JoJo asked as he came after to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Yeah, I will, but don't tell anyone about me or where I am"

"I won't"

"I knew that you would change your mind about sooner or later"

"Shut up, Davey"

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