~17. Flowers and frogs.~

Start from the beginning

"Where are we going?" Vera asked, with bigger growing eyes. Eyes full of curiosity. Wasn't it immensely intriguing, how her orbs sparkled with eagerness and curiosity, for the thing she was passionate about? It surely wasn't the walk the brunette was looking forward to, but it was the nature. The flowers and plants.

For some reason this mattered to Vera a lot and I loved this about her. Those little things, she would simply smile at.

"A flower field." And there her smile allowed the dimples to show right next to her mouth.

A hint of lavender mixed itself into the scent of warm and fresh nature, whilst we walked through the colorful field. The sound of a few bees swirling around us, lingered in the air. Vee's hand was captured by mine and for the first time in weeks, it appeared to me as if everything was completely fine.

Nevertheless I knew better. It's that silence, that betrayed her every time. Surely, her disposition has always been this calm, rather quiet one, but this silence was different. It was full of secrecy and guilt. How I could read the woman by now...

I might had a chance to find out what it was soon. Being nosy wasn't anything I'd use to describe myself with and it also wasn't the right word in this case. I was incredibly worried about her. It made me sick to my stomach, to just think about what might be the reason.

I had to be nosy. I had to bring her to talk to me.
It might had to be in an unpleasant way, but at least I would know what was wrong, so I was able to help Vera. After her troubling past, she deserved a peaceful present and future.

"Look at these tulips." The brunette pointed at the pretty, purple and pink flowers, as we were getting closer to the lake again. "And they smell deliciously sweet." The woman explained after kneeling down and sticking her nose right into a bunch of them.

"Be carful to not inhale a bee." I chuckled and watched her chestnut curls bouncing, as she backed off slightly. "Your hair has gotten so long.."

Vera turned her head at me, a sunshiny simper on her plum lips. "Will you tell me to go see a hairdresser soon, as well?" She laughed.

"Gosh no," I rolled my eyes and helped her back up. "I love your hair. It suits your lovely face and soul." My fingers captured a strand of her cotton soft hair. Wasn't she beautiful?

"My soul?" I nodded. "You're so cheesy today." Vera grinned and a few faint wrinkles showed on her forehead.

"I'm very kind today, indeed. We should get going, though, I bet they are getting the kayaks ready right now." Slowly sliding her hands up and down my back, she bit her lip. Oh I would lie, if I denied I enjoyed where Vera wanted this to go. My face inched closer, til the tip of my nose brushed hers. "Are we in the mood, huh?" I breathed out, catching a rosy blush to spread across her cheeks.

The brunette rarely blushed, since she had gotten more comfortable around me.

Shaking her head gently, she pulled back. The contact of her hands fading on my skin. "I'm on my period anyway and-" Put of the blue she completely puzzled.

My fingertips stroke along her jawline. "That's no reason to not have fun." It's been a few, since the last time we had sex... Vera's face was suddenly overrun by horror, which she pathetically tried to cover, without success. "Hey, my love, we are not doing anything you're not willing to do. Okay? Hey, hey, hey it's alright." I pulled her body into my arms, as the tears fell down her eyes. "Shh.. my angel, it's alright. Everything's alright... shh.."

What was going on? I let Vee know, she could always talk to me, whilst the cries slowly faded. And without a further comment, we continue to walk. Silence ruled mostly, until I managed to hold up a simple conversation. Then the brunette flashed a toothy grin even. What is it about these mood swings..

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