"You were just really tired baby," Justin chuckled, his eyes on the road.

"Apparently I was, wow. How long do we have to drive still?" I asked and took my phone out of my pocket to see how late it was.

"A bit more than three hours." Justin answered my question and I nodded at what he had said.

"Okay, if you wanna take a break just say it baby," I said and placed my hand on his hand that was on my thigh. I would definitely be tired of looking at the road for so damn long. "I can drive too you know?"

"Nah babe I'm good don't worry about me," he said and ran his thumb along my fingers, sending chills down my spine.

"Okay, okay." I said and looked out of the window. "I'm kinda hungry."

"Yeah me too. I'll stop at the next gas station so we can get something to eat if you want," he suggested.

I nodded my head, "sounds good."

Justin and I got caught up in a conversation and it wad really great to talk to him and joke around and laugh. I had missed him so much and listening to his voice and to his beautiful laugh made up for him not being with me the past few weeks. I was so glad that he was with me now.

Minutes later we stopped at a little restaurant near a gas station that we saw and it was the best feeling to finally eat. Justin and I ended up staying in there for about an hour and it was amazing not to be in a car for such a long time. Long trips could be so exhausting. I was glad that Justin decided not to drive to LA because then I would have died for sure.

Justin paid for the food and then we got into the car again and continued our trip to Columbus, Ohio. I offered to drive so Justin could relax the last two hours because he had been driving so long already but he wouldn't have it and wanted to drive himself, so I let him. I hoped that the next two hours would go by fast because I just couldn't wait to finally get on the jet and welcome the sunny weather of Los Angeles. I was so excited about L.A. I had only been there twice when I was sixteen and I absolutely loved everything about the city and I bet that living there would be the coolest thing ever.

"Justin? Where are we going to live?" I asked him. I actually had no idea of anything but the fact that we were going to L.A. I had no idea who we would be with, where we would stay at and what we would do all the time because I didn't think that we were just going to relax and lay in the sun everyday.

"We'll live with Will and his gang first until we figure a few things out," he answered me.

"Okay. Who are they? I mean your new gang." I asked curiously. I had a right to know though, I was going to stay with those people all the time.

"You'll get the know them but the most important person that you have to know in my opinion are Will, Lenny and Kyra," he said and I nodded. I leaned my head against the window and looked at him while he told me about his friends. "Will is the leader. He really is a boss person. When you see him you will immediately know who he is. I've known him forever. He has always been good to me and he has done a lot for me too. Will actually never liked your brother, he always said there was something odd about him. When I told him what was going on he wanted to help immediately so no matter what happens we are under his protection."

"Wow okay. I can't wait to meet the boss," I chuckled. "What about the other two?"

"Lenny is like the second boss. When Will is not around he is the one who handles everything and that makes him so important. Kyra is literally the pro in everything. If you see her you would never suspect it but she knows how to fight, she knows how to use a gun properly and she is really clever. The boys need training from her because she is the best literally. You two will get along really well."

"I hope so though because if not I have nobody but you then. Not that it is bad or something but it would be great to have a girl friend," I said. Of course I had Emilia as my friend but she was still so far away and it would just be great to have somebody close to me.

"Don't worry about it baby. You'll meet a lot of people and you will definitely make some friends and learn a lot of things," Justin assured. He looked over to me and gave me a smile.

"Well if you say so then it has to be right," I said, mirrowing his smile. I looked at the time. "It's 4PM already do you think they started looking for me?"

"No," he shook his head. "it's too early. Your aunt has to notice first and then she has to call Daniel and tell him and he is going to make a few calls and then they'll start looking."

"Oh okay. Daniel's going to be soooo mad. Not that I care though but I can already imagine his reaction," I laughed. "He's going to be like: This is not the Cassie I raised. Justin got into her head, what is he doing to her?"

Justin rolled his eyes, "I couldn't care less about what he has to say to be honest."

"Same here," I nodded in agreement. "Let's just hope we will have a break for a week or two before he will be up our asses."

"I'll make sure he won't be baby girl."

Two hours later we finally arrived at the airport in Columbus. I was so tired from being so long in the car, I was happy that I would finally able to lay down properly. We got out of the car and got all my things out and then we headed to the private jet. Arriving there we greeted the pilot and another weird man who was standing outside the jet. I got help with putting my things in and then it was time to get rid of all my electronics because they were able to be tracked. I hated my life right there and then. No music on a 5 hour flight.

The weird man took my things and in front my very eyes he literally broke my phone in two and I swear I experienced what a heartbreak felt like at that very moment. Was that really necessary? I was so in shock that he just broke it like it was nothing. Justin came to me and told me that I shouldn't worry because he was going to buy me a new one when we were in L.A. but still my phone was my baby and now it was dead. Literally.

Justin took my hand and led me inside of the jet. I sat down and didn't talk because I couldn't forget what just happend. Justin, however, seemed to find it really funny because all the did was laugh at my reaction. I would love to see his reaction if someone broke his phone. He would go crazy mad. I just rolled my eyes at him, ignored him and waited for the jet to take off. Justin spoke a few words with the pilot and then he came sitting next to me. He linked our fingers and I leaned my head against his shoulders.

"You good baby?" Justin asked me.

"Fine. Just a little bit tired," I told him and closed my eyes.

"You should sleep," Justin suggested and carressed my cheek with his hand. "we have five more hours to go."

"You know that I can't sleep in planes or anything else that is moving, right?"

Justin chuckled, "you slept in the car babe, what are you talking about?"

"That was a mircale." I said, laughing.

"You're going to be hella exhausted if you don't get rest now. Just try to sleep and try not to think that we are in a plane babe." Justin said and kissed the top of my head.

"Will do," I said.

The jet took finally off and I waited a few more minutes until I would try to fall asleep as Justin wanted me to. I didn't really get much sleep the entire day and he said that I should take every possibily I had to sleep so I wouldn't be so exhausted. At some point I agreed with him. I tried to make myself comfortable on the seats and with the big cozy pillows Justin had given me. I put a small blanket over my body and closed my eyes, trying to think of everything but the fact that I was on a plane and somehow I found myself drifting off into a deep slumber.

Runaway Love {2} | Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now