// 048 [old version]

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Hongjoong walked out of the men's room laughing out loud, the echo of his voice reverberating around the empty chapel and making him scurry his way over to me with his head down and slightly red cheeks.

"What?" I questioned, not containing my curiosity, a small smile already forming in my face as a reflection of my friend's good mood.

"Wooyoung, he-" That was the only thing Hongjoong managed to let out before he startled chuckling again, this time more quietly, making me turn my head and give him my full attention as I slowly put my broom aside, trying not to seem to obvious about it. "It was so funny, San."

"What did he do?" I licked my lips in expectation, my eyes roaming around the chapel as I hoped to get a glance at the said boy, failing to do so.

"He was having a pretty serious fight with a plunger when I got inside the bathroom." He waved his hand in my face, getting my attention back at him. "And lost."

"He what?" My voice an octave up as a result from my laughter, my eyebrows raised as I questioned my friend; I could very much imagine that situation in my head.

"Lost by W.O." Hongjoong concluded, nodding. "He vanished from the men's room once he realized I saw the whole thing... It's was hilarious, I swear. I wish you had seen it."

"Oh man..." I shook my head, my laughter dying down. "Me too."

Both of us got quiet after that, returning to our cleaning duties without a hurry, until Hongjoong spoke his mind in a soft voice, like he was in deep thought.

"He didn't look like the same scary Wooyoung from school."

I looked at him and exaggerated a shocked expression, covering my mouth with my hand and widening my eyes. "You're not scared of him anymore?"

"Shut up!" He slapped my arm, frowning. "I'm just saying he didn't seem like a bully."

"I don't think he is one." I shrugged, agreeing.

Wooyoung was bold, he could get in your face and in your nerves and yes, there were those rumors in school about him getting into fist fights, he also went to drank and until he passed out, he smoked weed, he could be surrounded by trouble, but that didn't make him a bad person.

I used to think that it did. I used to avoid him at all costs. Ironically, thanks to Jiwon I was forced to talk to him and what I realized was that it didn't take you more than a couple of times hanging out with Wooyoung to notice what a genuine, nice person he was. And fun too.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Hongjoong elbowed me, his voice coming out in a teasing manner.

"Huh?" My face fell as I instantly drove back to reality, frowning. Was I smiling? I don't think so.

Hongjoong simply giggled, shaking his head in denial and going back to brooming the floor, being quickly followed by me. Lunchtime was in about 30 minutes, all it took was one look and we had an unspoken agreement to finish this before that.

Soon enough we were putting away our brooms and dustpans in the utility closet located in ond of the back rooms of the chapel. Hongjoong leaving right after to do his homework for Monday, which I had already done yesterday.

My feet led me to him before I consciously knew where I was going, although I had no intention on stopping once I realized where I was headed to. Truth is, my mind was clouded with thoughts of Wooyoung, his lips, his taste, his touch and his body against mine ever since I woke up yesterday morning, which was giving me a headache just to think about how much I enjoyed something I shouldn't even have thoughts about, but it also gave me the indisputable desire to feel his warmth again.

So, of course, when I opened the door to the men's room and saw Wooyoung attempting to make his way out, my only natural reaction was to stop him.

"Where do you think you're going, babydoll?" I smirked as I kept one of my hands on the door, blocking his way.

Wooyoung was at a loss for words for a couple of seconds, understandably so - he wasn't expecting me to burst in like I did. His eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open as he caught his breath and God forgive, I shouldn't, I really shouldn't, but all I had going through my mind were sinful intentions.

"What are you doing here?" Wooyoung tilted his head to the side, unintentionally exposing his neck covered with love bites.

I gave him those.

"Oh, Wooyoung..." I ignored his question, taking slow steps in his direction. "You're giving me a lot of trouble, you know?"

He smiled seductively, his hands instantly flying to my chest as mine went to his waist and pulled him closer, my head falling to his neck, breathing in the enchanting vanilla scent I've been uncontrollably growing dependent on.

"So many marks here..." I traced my lips up his neck until I reached below his ear. "I don't think anyone would notice if I added a few more, right?"

"San..." Wooyoung's voice came in a mixture of supplication and warning, which ended up turning me on even more. His hands gripping my shirt as I let out a breathy chuckle. "We're in church."

"I know..." I closed my eyes, reality hitting me like a brick. I was following a sinful path right inside the house of God. "There's no way out now, is it? We'll have to ask for forgiveness in the confessional later."

Images me and Wooyoung inside the confessional flashed in my head, unholy acts involving Wooyoung on his knees as I asked for forgiveness for my sins to a clueless priest on the other side of the wall.

"You're ruining me." I breathed out, my lips desperately reaching for his as I closed the gap between us, Wooyoung responding just as passionately with a soft chuckle left his lips.

His hands travelled to my waist, pressing me firmly against his body and I hummed in approval, being reminded yet again how good it felt to have Wooyoung in my arms. The moment didn't last long though, the sound of my phone ringing crushing the mood.

"You should answer it." Wooyoung half smiled.

I sighed, evidently not happy about the interruption but grabbed my phone from my back pocket anyway.


Oh, shit. I forgot about her.

"Hello?" My voice came out weaker than I felt at that moment, literally caught in the act.

"Hey, San!" Jiwon's tone was joyful. "I'm at the coffee shop near your house, can we meet?"

No, I'm busy with your brother.

That's the first thing that came to mind, however, that's not what I answered.

"Oh, uhm- sure." I glanced at Wooyoung, who had a questioning look on his face. "I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Ok, great! Bye!" She didn't wait for my reply to cut the call.

"That was your sister." I told Wooyoung. "I'm gonna b-"

"You don't own me any explanation, San. It's fine." I didn't know what I was expecting, but it most certainly wasn't a laugh, let alone the pat in the back that he gave me.

"Y- huh?" To say my ego was slightly hurt was an understatement. "You don't care?"

"I mean... I knew you were dating her before we hooked up anyway." He shrugged.



"Well then, I'm gonna..." I pointed at the door behind me, awkwardly signaling my leave.

"Oh, ok. Yeah, I still gotta finish my work here, you go first." Oh great, now Wooyoung was awkward too.

"Okay." I sighed, unsatisfied with how our encounter ended. "See you at school?"


I simply gave up and nodded at that point, turning around and heading to the coffee place Jiwon said she was. The whole walk there I only had one thought in mind, the same I had as soon as I decided to say 'yes' to this unplanned meeting.

I was going to break with Jiwon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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