// 029 [old version]

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"Mars." I called Seonghwa by his new nickname, too lazy to call him by his full name. He looked at me with a questioning look, since I interrupted his conversation with Yeosang. "Come here."

I got up from the small circle that we where sitting with a little bit of difficulty, my body responding slowly to my commands. Seonghwa seemed to be having the same problem as I did, making me chuckle as I glaced at the stoned boy with poor balance in front of me. 

I took some steps away from the group and Seonghwa soon followed, asking me what happened in a worried tone.

"Good news, lover boy. I just found out my sister is throwing a party at my house. This is a golden opportunity, what better way to open up and become friendly with someone other than a party, huh?"

"Right." He agreed, smiling lazily. My expression matched his as we called the three remaining boys to come with us, explaining the situation about my sister's party in an over excitedly manner. Granted, all of them agreed to go the second I mentioned the words party and alcohol.

"Okay, to my house it is." I began walking in the front, showing them the way there and pointing at random places blurting out made up stories about the locations as if I was a tourist guide. Since the park was pretty close to my house, it didn't take long before we could start hearing the sound of party music booming.

"Yep, this is it." Mingi laughed, throwing his arms around Yunho's and Seonghwa's shoulders. "I'm ready to get smashed."

Me and Yeosang walked behind them, the scene looking like one that came out of the movies. My house didn't even look like my own, filled with all types of people dancing, drinking and smoking, loud music playing as a soundtrack to an epic moment.

"Is it me or is everything in slow motion?" Yeosang spoke over the music, laughing at the scene unfolding in front of us.

"That's the weed, my friend." I laughed as we walked through the front door, the music getting progressively louder. "Who are all these people?"

"It's your house, not mine." Yeosang shrugged.

What the hell, Jiwon?

How did my sister manage to pull off a party of this magnitude and not let me know about it? That's basically backstabbing.

"We're going to play beer pong!" Yunho yelled as he walked closer to us, trying to be heard over the music. He grabbed our arms and we zigzagged our way through the dancing bodies until we reached my dinner table, which was filled with plastic cups. Mingi and Seonghwa were already there, talking to another boy I didn't know.

"They're here!" An overexcited Seonghwa threw his arms up in excitement. "Guys, this is Jongho! He's gonna play with us. Jongho, this is Wooyoung and this is Yeosang."

I gave the buff guy a small wave, clearly not matching Seonghwa's big energy. After we all got acquainted the three teams were divided and our mini championship began, the first match being me and Jongho against Yeosang and Seonghwa. To my luck, Jongho wasn't that bad unlike my pretty best friend, but still we had a tough time winning against their team. I blame it on the weed.

The second match played was between Mingi and Yunho against Yeosang and Seonghwa. As we stood on the side and watched them play I could feel the various cups of beer starting to work their way into my system. I looked around the party, finally recognizing several faces from school I hadn't acknowledged as I first walked in. As me and Jongho talked I found out he was also from our school, but one grade below ours.

"Haha! Told you this was gonna be easy!" Yunho laughed as he got the ping pong ball in their last cup.

"They lost again?" Jongho giggled, hitting my chest slightly and walking towards the table and refilling the cups with beer so we could play the final round against Mingi and Yunho.

"Fuck." I cursed as I tripped over my own feet and steadied myself, pretending nothing had happened, looking around and sighing in relief that none of my friends had noticed.

I laughed to myself as I reached the table, the game beginning smoothly and turning sour for our team not too long after.

"Jongho, do something." I pointed at the other side of the table, still full of cups while our side had only two left.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're moving at 0.5 speed." He retorted, laughing at my face.

Yunho and Mingi seemed to be having a great time laughing at us too, Yeosang and Seonghwa were nowhere to be found.

"Can one of you get the ball into the cup? We wanna drink too, you know?" Mingi yelled over from the other side of the table, receiving back a middle finger from me.

It didn't take long for the game to end and we ended up having to drink half of the remaining cups from Mingi and Yunho as punishment for losing. It was safe to say I was pretty drunk at this point. And god, did I enjoy it.

"Wooyoung." Yunho nudged my arm as we walked back to the living room. "Soo Ah keeps looking at you."

"Don't care."

"What?" He looked at me with widened eyes. "It's Soo Ah, what do mean you don't care? Go talk to her. Right now."

I felt my body being pushed forward and I just sighed, being used to that type of behavior from my friends. I looked back at Yunho, who was giving me thumbs up and rolled my eyes, walking towards Soo Ah with my straight guy facade on.

What now?

"Hey Soo Ah." I smiled at the pretty girl, hoping she would turn me down right away and I could go back to hanging out with my friends. "What's up?"

"Wooyoungie, hey." She smiled back, placing her hand on my chest and playing with my necklace.


My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now