// 046 [old version]

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I checked myself on the mirror inside my room once again, making sure the black turtleneck I was wearing covered the still very noticeable hickeys Wooyoung left on my neck. Not a good look for Sunday mass if you asked me.

I frowned at my reflection, an evident feeling of discontent with myself turmoiling inside of me as I cracked my knuckles, a failed attempt to release some of the tension I've been feeling since I left the Jung household the day before. I  looked myself in the eyes through the mirror, my nails digging into my palms as I felt my eyes beginning to water.

Deep breaths, San. Deep breaths.

I stepped away, looking up and blinking away the tears threatening to fall, overwhelmed by
my own feelings and thoughts; the epiphany of finally coming to terms with the fact that I'm not completely straight, alongside the joy and fulfillment of spending the night with Wooyoung and the utter sadness and sense of despair that came from having those feelings brought to light.

There was also the fact that I smoked weed.

And that I cheated on Jiwon. And Jiwon cheated on me.

What a beautiful relationship.

I let out a dry laugh by the irony of the situation, my head going back to the week before when Jiwon was introducing me to her family as her boyfriend and our relationship seemed like a bed of roses.

We hadn't talked since the party on Friday, besides a quick message I sent her on Saturday, telling her I had to leave early the day before because I had a headache and a simple 'okay' as a reply from her.

I couldn't bring myself to text Wooyoung, purely for the fact that I was completely scared. Not of him, but of how he made me feel vulnerable and how wrong the feelings he made me confront were, I was scared of his reaction towards me or his expectations, scared of anyone finding out about what happened. In all honesty, it was all too new to me and too much to process- I was utterly afraid and after the whole day without any news from Wooyoung, I was also disappointed as selfish as it may sound, that he didn't seem to want to talk to me either.

Soon enough I was sitting in the front row of the Chapel, my right leg bouncing up and down as my anxiety grew by the minute and my eyes wandered around, not so discreetly searching for a certain someone.

"San, dear. What's going on with you today?" My mom asked with worried eyes, placing her hand on shoulder.

I'm panicking.

"What? It's nothing, sorry." I gave her a tight smile, bringing my attention back to the conversation my parents were having with the other three Jung family members.

My mom and dad still didn't know about me and Jiwon being together, I didn't plan on letting them know any time soon, since things between me and Jiwon were looking complicated at the moment and the best alternative seemed to be breaking up; I just had to find the right moment to talk to her.

I almost broke my neck as I turned around to look at the entrance of the Chapel once I heard Wooyoung's characteristic loud laugh coming from the back of the room.

There you are.

I almost smiled in relief to see his happy face, if it wasn't for the presence of a tall and disgustingly attractive man beside him, being a little too close for my liking.

What the fuck was he doing around Lee Do Hyun?

I rolled my eyes, scoffing as I turned my attention back to the front, glad the mass was starting and I'd be able to clear my mind and take my thoughts elsewhere, otherwise I was sure I could start shooting lasers out of my eyes. Instead, I focused on doing the only productive thing I could do at the moment: to pray. And God knew I needed a lot of praying.

The next hour of mass went by in a blink of an eye and for the first time in my life, I hated every second of it. Thanks to my own betraying brain, that despite my best efforts to keep paying attention to the priest's words, kept reminding me of Wooyoung's presence, only some steps away and accompanied.

The company in question painting uncountable interrogation signs in my mind. Since when do they know each other? Are they friends? And why? Does Wooyoung not know about Do Hyun's wrong doings? Have they been keeping in contact even after Do Hyun graduated? And what the hell was Do Hyun doing in church?

I walked to the back of the church to meet the other volunteers for charity work after bidding a quick goodbye to my parents and the Jung family, Wooyoung had already vanished from his seat at this point and was nowhere to be seen.

"San!" A hand grabbed my shoulder, a scream unconsciously leaving my mouth as I jumped in surprise, my hand flying to my chest as if it could control my skyrocketing heart rate.

"What the fuck, Hongjoong!" I snap at my friend, who looked torn between laughing and apologizing.

"Sorry, man. I was calling you, but I guess your body was the only thing physically present." He chuckled, making fun of me.

I rolled my eyes and huffed in annoyance, but failing to keep a smile in. "So, what was that for?"

"Did you see that senior Lee Do Hyun in the back of the church today?" He asked with a worried tone as we began walking once again.

"Sure did." My voice sounding more bitter then I wish it did. "I don't like him being here. No, let me rephrase that, I don't like him period."

"That guy gives me chills." Hongjoong over exaggerated getting shivers, grimacing as he shook his head. "Ugh."

I nodded in agreement as we reached the small open space reserved for the volunteers, me and Hongjoong grabbing some chips from the snacks table; my thoughts going back to Wooyoung for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"Why do you think Do Hyun was talking to Wooyoung?" The words came out of my mouth before I could filter myself out of showing any interest in the boy.

"Wooyoung?" Hongjoong repeated puzzled, his mouth full of chips, caught by surprise with my sudden question.

"You talking 'bout me, fam?"

Author's note

HI 😬
Some of you guys were asking if I was feeling better, I am!! Thanks for worrying and asking! I hope u are doing well too ♥️
On a different note,
The plot is thickening, huh?
Am I making u guys too confused rn? 🤭
I just had to add Do Hyun, it's bigger than me I'm his little bitch sorry I simp
Not really sorry though, I think you'll like what I have in store for u
Love you byeeee

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now