// 022 [old version]

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Shit, shit, shit, shit. What the hell, San? That's not you.

I took one last look at Wooyoung sitting on the floor with a pained expression before turning around and leaving the house in a rush.

My eyes filled with tears the same way my mind was filled with thoughts, but the difference was that the tears I could out.

I was practically running home at this point, hoping I wouldn't run into anyone I knew on the way. Not when my face was wet with the flowing tears and my body still hot from moments before.

Why? Just... why? What happened? I had just gotten back together with Jiwon and she is the girl that I like. Even so, in the same night, her brother comes onto me, seducing me like that... A man! I can't believe I had such desires for a man, that's a sin!

It's all Wooyoung's fault. Why would he do this to me? He knows I'm with Jiwon, it's his sister for fuck's sake.


I fucked up.

I wiped my hands on my face to dry the remaining tears as I approached my house. The lights were off and I saw no car on the garage, so it looked like my parents weren't home yet.

I took a deep breath as I unlocked the front door and walked in, going straight to my room. The first thing I did was take my clothes off the fastest I could, Wooyoung's sweet scent remained on me, as an evil reminder of today's event, my underwear dirty and sticky from my own act of unfaithfulness. I felt like vomiting.

I grabbed the clothes from the floor and entered the bathroom inside my room, throwing the dirty clothes in the basket with all of my strength, attempting to let my frustration out.

I turned on the shower and waited for the water to get warm. All it took was one look in the mirror for me to break down in tears again.

"I'm not gay." I whispered to my reflection. "I can't be."

Fuck you, Wooyoung.

I entered the shower and washed myself, deciding to wash away everything that happened today along with with my body. It never happened, it will never happen again. Wooyoung must be avoided and I will make sure Jiwon has the boyfriend she deserves.

This is the righteous path I should take.

I finished my shower my head a little clearer, putting on my robe and going to bed, trying to get some rest for the next school day. Although I had the best intentions, my thoughts wouldn't let me rest. Everytime I closed my eyes the image of Wooyoung on top of me would pop up, with his facial expressions of pleasure, he was enjoying himself so much... the sounds he made, his little whimpers and dirty moans would come floating back, his begging for 'just a little more', Wooyoung was haunting me for the whole night. I barely had any sleep.

Soon enough my morning alarm rang and I turned in off in a foul mood, knowing I had probably slept for a maximum of 2 hours. Once again, fuck Wooyoung.

I got out of bed and got as ready for school as possible, trying to ignore the dark circles under my eyes and the strong headache that was making it's presence known little by little. I got to the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the counter, immediately running for the bus stop before I got late and my day could get any worse.

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now