Chapter 11: Just Another Tuesday.

Start from the beginning

"She can have it. In fact, let her take the whole week off." Christopher tells him and he walks away.

"I'm sorry about your house." I tell him.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. I'm always being targeted." He says, running his fingers through his dark brown hair.

"What? Why?" I ask him, shocked.

"It's complicated." He says before he throws back a shot of Jameson.

"Xavier?" He calls out and his bodyguard appears almost immediately.

Has he been standing there the entire time?

"See to it that Miss Prentice gets home. I have something urgent to deal with." He tells him.

"It's fine. I can find my way home." I say, getting off the bar stool.

"No. Why do you always make me argue with you over this?" He asks, chuckling.

"Because...if I depend on you getting me home every night, I'll get used to it. And then be disappointed when you start doing it for the next "new girl"." I say, air quoting when I say the words "new girl."

"What?" He asks, staring at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"I've heard the rumors, Chris." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Chris. So, you're calling me Chris now?" He asks, smirking at me.

I roll my eyes at him again and pick up my bag from the barstool beside me.

"Goodnight, Mr. Walker." I say, walking past him.

"And what rumors? I haven't heard any rumors." He says, following me.

"It's a big club, of course, you wouldn't have heard. And like I said, you're the boss no one really tells you these things." I tell him, opening the front door.

"Still, people always talk. That's life." He says as we walk outside. I stop walking and turn around and face him.

"Yeah most people talk, but not everybody's racist." I say, getting angry as I remember the conversation I overhead in the locker room tonight.

"What? Who was racist to you?" He asks, coming closer to me.

"It doesn't matter." I tell him, backing away.

"It does if you're this upset by it." He points out.

"I'm not upset and you policing me isn't helping." I tell him before I turn around and start walking.

Christopher doesn't chase me. Thank God. I just need to be alone right now. I walk down the lonely street, holding onto my bag.

Christopher's POV

"Where did she go?" Xavier asks me as I get into the car.

"Home. Apparently, I'm policing her." I say, feeling defeated. Lumiére, my driver starts the car and we start moving.

"You like her?" He asks me and I don't reply.

I have to say that she makes me feel things I haven't felt in a very long time. My last relationship was my failed marriage with my whore of an ex-wife. Ever since then I've just kept to myself avoiding women at all cost. I'm not opposed to falling in love, but I'd rather not. It only ends in tears, especially for me.

"You like her." Xavier says, so confident in his words.

"Don't start assuming things." I tell him. "And we should really be talking about this break-in."

"The security cameras at the house picked up the face of the burglar." He says and I wait for him to speak.

"It was Fred." He says and I stare at him in shock.

"The new gardener?" I ask, surprised. Fred is this twenty-year-old boy I found on the street two months ago. I took him off the streets and gave him a job and this is how he repays me? By breaking into my fucking house.

"Yup. He's in police custody right now. He told them that all he wanted was a couple thousand dollars from your safe. He was planning to make a run for it and flee the country." Xavier tells me.

This whole thing is so shocking. But I'm not that surprised. This isn't the first that someone's taken advantage of my kindness. In fact, my mother always tells me that my heart is my greatest weakness. She always nags me because I'm not heartless like her and my elder brother. It's 'cause I'm the only one with a soul in our household. But my mother loved my ex-wife though. Adored her. I think it's safe to say that they were best friends at some point. My mother hates the fact that I divorced her cheating ass. I don't care, I knew I deserved better.

"That's crazy." I say, taking my cufflinks off.

"Well, it's just another Tuesday." Xavier quips and I laugh.

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