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"I'm not going to remove your handcuffs, Mathilde," Sanii said calmly, surprised that she could manage a steady tone.

"And I thought I meant something to you." She pouted. "You know I could pick them if I wanted to, right? Your lot are rubbish jailers. You didn't even check me when I came in."
Sanii pulled the gun from where she'd left it in her belt, setting it to kill. "We are no longer friends. You seem to have forgotten that this time I am the one holding the gun."
Mathilde looked up at her. "I think we both know you'll never pull the trigger."


Errick unlocked the door, stunned at what he saw. "Did you just shoot her in the shoulder?"
Teeth gritted, she nodded. "She was getting on my nerves."

"Okay, look." He sighed. "We kind of need her intact."

"Oh, so Trent's allowed to threaten her, but when I—"
"There's a big difference between his threat and your action," Errick protested. "Can I talk to you outside, for a minute?"
She shook her head. "We should not leave the prisoner alone."


A pause. "SURE!"
"See? Sorted." He folded his arms. Ronnie came rushing in, arms full of first aid supplies, and ran through the open door. Errick closed it after them. "We won't be long, but shout if she so much as smirks."

Sanii wasn't ready for this conversation, and it didn't seem like Errick wanted her to do any talking.

"Please, for the love of God, do not do that again." He pressed a hand to his head, sighing deeply. "There's no way we can return an injured prisoner to the Academy without explanation. I don't want you to be arrested, and I'm giving you the chance to tell me why you shot her before I go in there and ask her. Want to explain?"

She stayed still and silent.

"Damn you!" Errick shouted, and it took her aback. Something had been bubbling under the surface, and now it had burst through. He barged through the door. "Ronnie, thanks for bandaging her up. Make sure Sanii remains outside and explain to her our current predicament, please?"

Ronnie nodded. "I haven't done much, but she's cleaned up now. Modern supplies work wonders. Be careful, though." With that, she ducked out.

Surprisingly, Mathilde was quiet. No snide comment, no nothing. Errick studied her. The shot must have been a shock. But why? She should have expected that from Sanii. Unless...unless she had her guard down. Unless she trusted her.

He had a theory, and he hoped it wasn't true.

"So, Griffin, do you know why you were shot?"

Mathilde looked up at him innocently. "Because Sanii is very easy to manipulate."
Errick froze. "I never told you her name."
She brought a hand to her mouth in mock horror. "Oops."

Locksley paced up and down. "What do we do, what do we do, what do we do."
Bryony caught hold of his arm. "Please calm down. I'm sure Errick has the situation under control."

"That's where you're wrong." Locksley ran a hand through his tousled hair. "Errick is my best friend, and despite what you may think, he rarely ever has the situation under control."
Val darted into the room and spoke before Bryony had much of a chance to register what this could mean. "From what I've overheard, our prisoner is not the right one, has been shot in the shoulder by Sanii, and has a hidden past with Sanii."

"To follow that with even worse news, Stronte has cut off contact with us and our Academy pictures are in the news with the advice to arrest us upon sight." Locksley gave a very sarcastic thumbs up. "None of this makes sense."
"No," Bryony agreed, "It doesn't."

"Although here's a suggestion: maybe Stronte purposefully sent us to the wrong place to frame us." Val sat down, pulling out her uniglass to review the latest news articles.

Brie frowned. "Why would she do that?"
"She hates all of us except you?" Locksley suggested. "Oh, and Ronnie. But the rest of us are spawn of the devil in her eyes."

Errick came storming out of the room, Mathilde's smug grin visible behind him. "You know her?"
Sanii faltered. She hadn't been expecting that. "Alpha, I will explain, if you—"

"How do I know you haven't planned this yourself?"

"How dare you!" She swore at him in Syldrathi, and he swore right back.

"EVERYBODY TAKE A STEP BACK!" Ronnie commanded. "Thank you. Maybe you should talk about this in a more private place? Not in front of...her?"

Errick took a deep breath in. "Of course. Trent's lying down, so can you manage to guard alone, Ronnie?"

"Five minutes alone with her won't kill me," they said crisply.

"Great. Sanii, let's go. If this explanation is fake, I'm throwing you to the wolves."


 I have got to rush but here you go :D

edited update - ik the spacing is weird but I couldn't bear to lose all of the comments

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