To School...

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Warning! Long chapter ahead!

A small boy, who couldn't have been older than seven, sat on a cushioned stool in the small kitchen. Pencil shavings littered the floor and the once ghostly white countertop as the boy scribbled furiously on a small notepad. He was so deep in his own little world, he didn't even hear footsteps approaching from behind nor the tired feminine voice that followed.

"Henry.'' The women spoke. There was no response.

"Henry.'' The lady tried again, this time tapping the boy's shoulder. There was no response.

"Henry?'' She asked, the boy still lost in his work. There was no response.

With the child not responding to his name being called, she did the only thing to gain his attention. The small note pad was quickly snatched from the boy's hands.

A surprised gasp escaped the child as his most prized possession was ripped from his small hands so suddenly. "Henry William Stein! What on earth do you think you're doing?'' The boy looked up at the elderly woman, a guilty hum being his only response.

''School starts in *glaces at the clock* less than an hour. You're gonna miss the bus. Where is your coat? Where is your bag? Henry it is your first day of school!''

The boy got up from his seat and wandered down the hallway, returning after a minute with his school bag and coat. ''I am ready, can I have my book back please?'' Hope filled brown eyes looked up at dull gray ones. ''Have you eaten?"

The boy looked down before shaking his head guiltily. He had a habit of skipping meals as of late, something that worried the lady quite often. She has taken Henry to see multiple doctors, they all said the same things...

''Your boy is fine''

''It's just a faze''

''probably trying to be rebellious, that's something some kids have been trying out with their parents or other caretakers as of lately''

''He is fine. If anything you should be happy, practically one less mouth to worry about feeding.''

On and on did the many doctors talk about how her little artist was fine. How his new hunger strike was more or less normal. How she should be grateful for not needing to spend as much money providing food for him.

But she didn't want to be grateful. She wanted Henry to be happy, loved, safe, and healthy. So, despite what the mediocre doctors she was able to afford claimed, she was sure this was not normal and did what she could to get Henry back to a normal healthy diet. With that thought in mind...

''You can have your book back after you eat.'' The boy nods his head before quickly sitting on the kitchen stool. The elderly lady hastily prepares a plate of buttered toast and eggs before gently placing the plate in front of the boy.

''Henry? You know I can't let you continue doing this, right?'' Henry responded with a slow solemn nod before taking a bite of his eggs. ''I'm just worried about you, you're all I have left. I can't lose you too.''

She didn't receive a response, well other than Henry trying the slice of toast. ''Besides, how else are you gonna get all big and strong? Or would you rather stay too small to ride the summer carnivals rollercoasters forever?'' Henry's eyes widened in fear before quickly scarfing down the last of his meal. The lady gave a small chuckle before grabbing a shiny apple to hand to Henry along with his sketchbook.

''Now let's get you to school. Can't have you late on your first day now, can we?'' She asked with a warm smile on her face.

"No.'' The boy dejectedly answered. Nervous about his first day at school and away from the the lady.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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