《 Five 》

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A blood-curling scream rang in Zane's ears. Goosebumps appeared on his skin as the misery increased. Hot blood flowed from his forehead as his body struggled in the twisted seat. Pain was all he felt. His vision was blurry with tears and his head was dizzy. The human looked at his mother and father in the front seats of the car that was flipped over. Zane's shaky hands tried to reach for his parents but he was stuck. His father had a huge wound on the side of his stomach. His almond eyes were closed and a large piece of glass was stabbed into his stomach.

Sobs rang in the cold night as the angel saw his mother. Zane tried to speak, tried to yell at his parents to wake up, but his lips couldn't form any words due to shock. There was a huge glass piece pushed into her skull and her lips twisted down permanently. The image of his dead parents burned in his head as Zane sobbed for them. His eyes began to close without his will as the sound of sirens kept getting closer. The elder heard shouting and different voices but the sounds were getting far away.

The human awoke with a loud gasp, pearl tears decorating his cheeks. Zane hugged his knees tightly and rocked himself back and forth. It was okay. What's passed can't be rewinded. It was just a dream. He tried to convince himself. A few minutes passed as the elder calmed down. He ran a hand in his brown curls and got out of bed. The elder grabbed a t-shirt and grey sweatpants from the closet. Zane wiped away his tears and went to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and stepped out of the silk sleep clothes, removing the bandages from his healed wounds. A sigh escaped the elder's trembling lips as he stood under the water. The angel grabbed the body wash and began to scrub his skin. Thoughts roamed around his head as Zane trembled in disgust. No matter how many times he scrubbed his skin, it still felt dirty. The angel felt as if he was tainted. Zane felt like cutting the tissue away and replacing it to erase the burning touch he hated. The human knew he could damage the skin but nothing could erase the memories from his head. He could never erase the memories of pain the monster had gifted him. With a sigh, the human let more salty tears mix with the running water.

After getting fresh, Zane got dressed and went out of the bathroom. The human wore the pair of black slippers and went to the door. He opened it and stepped into the dim hallway. At the same time, the wolf also came out of his bedroom. Siddarth was dressed in black trousers and a tight black dress shirt that had symbols on the biceps. He had a police badge on the left side of his chest. His dark hair was gelled back and it matched with the color of his tight uniform. Zane connected the dots and figured out Siddarth was a police officer. The younger man was on his phone but he looked up when he felt Zane's presence.

"Morning." The beast greeted and Zane shivered at how intense the other's gaze was.

"Good morning." The human replied quietly. "I-I'll go make breakfast."

Siddarth nodded, ignoring how red and puffy Zane's eyes were. He had no place to ask the human if he had cried and for what reason? The human walked downstairs to the kitchen while the wolf went to wake his cub. He helped Lily brush and dressed her in a soft pink sundress. Siddarth picked his daughter up and went downstairs. She greeted the human as the wolf took a seat at the dining table with his little girl sitting on his lap. Siddarth observed the human who kept his gaze down. Zane focused on the pan, unaware of the beast who watched him like a hawk. Twenty minutes later, a large plate of pancakes was set on the table. Zane found a bottle full of syrup and picked up utensils for them to use. He set them on the table and entered the kitchen again and came back with three glasses of juice. The human took a seat facing the trio and they began to eat. Siddarth took one pancake and set it on his plate. After adding syrup, the wolf gave Lily the first bite and a hum left her lips. Zane watched the child's reaction with a small smile on his face. After they finished breakfast, the wolf went to the living room and grabbed his keys. Zane stood at the door near Lily as the little cub watched her father get in the Dodge. The vehicle drove away smoothly and the black gates closed immediately.

"Zane, I want to show you my castle." Lily smiled at him and held out her tiny hand.

Zane looked at the child's hand and slowly wrapped his hand around it. The two walked out of the house and started from outside. They stood in front of the place and the human saw how big and gorgeous the house really was. The place was enormous and painted in the darker shades of red, black, and blue. The exterior made of black glass and shiny marble. It was surrounded by many bushes of beautiful red roses. Tall metal fences stretched around the house, guarding it against intruders. The path that lead to the house door was made of heavy grey stones. Lily led him back inside and this time, Zane really looked around the living room. A huge glass chandelier hung on the ruby painted ceilings. There was a black glass table with three leather couches surrounding it. There was a huge Samsung TV mounted into the wall facing the table. There was a large window behind the middle couch.

"Let's go to my favorite place." The child led him past the kitchen and Zane saw two doors a few feet away from the dining table. One door was sky blue and the other was painted maroon. They entered the blue one and Zane saw a small room lit dimly. There were six tall shelves with many children's books and comic collections, placed in neat rows. There was a small fireplace on the left side and the right side had three bean bags and a huge sofa facing them. The mini library gave the angel a peaceful feeling. The human didn't know why, but he felt as if the walls held many secrets.

Lily looked proud as she spoke. "Daddy designed this for me."

"I like it." The elder replied.

"Let me show you his happy place." The little girl held his hand gently and Zane felt his heart melt. They went out of the library and opened the door that was next to it.

When they entered the space, Zane saw a lot of workout equipment. "My Daddy is like superman."

This room was like a huge black and white hall. The ceiling had glass windows that were half-open to let the breeze in. Zane saw a variety of equipment set neatly in rows. There was a treadmill and two exercise bikes. He saw three benches and sets of heavy plates, dumbells, and barbells. In the middle of the room was a huge mat with a big exercise ball on it. There was a black pull up bar attached to one wall. All in all, what Siddarth had built was impressive.

"Next, me and Daddy's garden."

They left the gym and walked out of the house one more time. The child lead him to the back of the house where the human saw a huge garden. He was in awe at the view of the beautiful flowers. They were planted randomly, scattered around with small paths to walk in. Zane saw himalayan poppies, english roses, lilies, and many more colorful flowers scattered together.

"So beautiful." The human whispered in awe as they walked through the rows.

Lily caressed a rose gently and giggled. "The flowers are pretty like you, kitty."

The human blushed at the nickname. "K-Kitty?"

"You remind me of a kitty. Can I call you that, pretty please?" The little girl pouted cutely.

"Of course, you can call me that." The human poked Lily's chubby cheek with his finger and saw her doe eyes shine.

The two laid down on the soft grass and bathed in the warm sunlight. A soft breeze ran around them and made the flowers sway. The garden was calming to sit in. It brought an odd sense of peace and joy. Zane felt all worries leave his mind as he laid still, surrounded by beautiful flowers. The angel closed his eyes and lost himself to the warmth of the sun. Zane let all his worries slip away from his mind. The poor human was unaware of the danger traveling in a different city, looking to capture him again.

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