《 Two 》

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It was time to leave. Zane was here but what would he do next? Where would he go? The human got out of the car with shaky hands. He shut the door and turned to look at the wolf.

"Thank you for sav-"

Zane's voice was disrupted by the loud sound of glass shattering. He jumped in shock and Siddarth looked up through the windshield to see three drunk men walking their way. The human stood frozen in fear as the wolf got out of the car. Siddarth stood in front of Zane as the men's nasty gazes went to the tasty smelling human. The men stopped walking and stood in front of Zane and Siddarth. The wolf hid the human with his tall figure, unknowingly shielding his form from their dirty eyes. Zane's heart raced and his breathing became labored.

"Look what we have here, boys." A short man spoke up. "A pretty little human, damn he smells so delicious too."

The wolf opened the door to the passenger side without looking at the human. "Go sit inside."

Zane hesitated for a second but when he saw the hungry looks in the men's eyes, the angel turned around and rushed to sit in the wolf's black Dodge. The beauty shut the door and shrank into the warm seat. Zane closed his eyes and hid his face in his knees, not wanting to see what would happen next. When the doors locked, the wolf felt adrenaline rush into his veins. He looked at the group of men in front of him with ice in his wine red eyes.

"Well well." The tallest man said with a disgusting smirk. "Are you here to save that pretty boy? Is he your slut?"

The wolf had no reaction to that. His eyes observed every man in front of him and saw no weapons in sight. This was just a harmless group of vampires who hunted on the weak. Mistaking Siddarth's silence as weakness, another man spoke up.

"How about we make a little deal?" Siddarth's face remained blank as the man glanced at the beauty sitting in the car. "That human you have has an amazing scent."

The last man nodded in agreement and smiled at the wolf. "You mind handing that doll over to us for one n-"

Before the man could even finish his words, Siddarth punched him straight in the jaw with force, sending him flying. He smashed the tallest vampire's skull into a hard wall and watched his limp body fall. The last man tried to run but Siddarth grabbed him by the back of his neck. The wolf tightened his hold and twisted the muscles. He heard a few cracks mixed with the man's screams. The last body fell to the ground and Siddarth walked back to his car. He entered the Dodge and sat in the driver's seat, startling the human who sat up. Zane wanted to look to his right to see the damage the man had done but the angel knew his heart couldn't handle it.

"Where do you live?" The taller man asked while turning the engine on.

Zane bit his bottom lip, not wanting to answer. "Please leave me here, I'll go back alone."

"You will get hunted." The wolf said. His toneless words didn't carry worry, only the ugly truth. Zane paled at the thought of evil creatures chasing after him. He didn't want to become a prey to the evil that lurked in the dark night. However, he didn't have any other choice but to run.

"Who are you running from?" The other asked but the human remained silent. He didn't have to give some stranger an explanation about his life. Knowing the human wouldn't speak so easily, the wolf pushed a little more.

"Speak." His voice was commanding and strict, immediately putting Zane into a submissive state.

"I-I ran away from my..my abusive boyfriend last night. His men chased me for three hours straight until you saved me." Tears pooled in his doe eyes but Zane held them back. "We started dating during college, he didn't allow me to work and turned my friends against me. I can't go to anyone else and he knows that."

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