001. train wrecks & puddlemere pins

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chapter one
train wrecks
& puddlemere pins

chapter one❛ train wrecks& puddlemere pins ❜

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    KING'S CROSS STATION was a sight for sore eyes. Or at least that was Ariel's first impression. Painted in a majestic palette of scarlet and black, Ariel's eyes widened and jaw dropped almost immediately. And no matter how uncomfortable, being around muggles, wizards and witches alike made Rosita, the absurdity of watching her daughter push through the barrier between platforms nine and ten, and doing the same to find this incredible view had made her take in a breath of relief and awe.

Smoke from the engine drifted over the heads of the chattering crowd as they pressed through them with Rosita looking around and taking everything in, Ariel still couldn't take her eyes off of the train and Rosita found herself busy talking to the parents of a young bespectacled boy. In her trance, she didn't notice as he approached her, "Oi, Oi girl," making her immediately turn her head, wide-eyed, far-off look now replaced with a frown.


"Isn't this exciting?" He was practically jumping now, "I've dreamed of going to Hogwarts for a long, long time," he continued, making Ariel light up again as she noticed the pin on the boy's sweater. It was the Puddlemere United pin! She didn't know much about Quidditch as she had only recently had proper exposure to the wizarding world, but in the little time she had known about it, she had all but printed the things she was reading about the world in her brain.

"I'm James by the way━" before he could finish his sentence, a very excited Ariel interrupted, "Is that a Puddlemere United pin?" James had never been quite as happy on being interrupted before as he replied with the same amount of excitement, "You're a Puddlemere fan too? Terrific! I believe we are going to be great friends!"

This was the happiest Ariel had ever been, well she was happy most days but since her whole mermaid problem had started, she had barely had any time to think about all the fun she was going to have! She had never quite fit in with the muggles at her muggle school, she was quite good at making friends but they always turned out to be a little mean to her, her so-called best friend, Katy, had spread nasty rumours about her absentee father and hot-headed mother. Suffice to say, so far, her newest friend seemed much nicer than Katy.

"Well I haven't really watched any of their matches but from what I've read they sound wonderful!" Ariel answered with a huge grin on her face and continued, "and it is very nice to meet you James, my name is Ariel, but you can call me Ellie."

Before James could reply, Rosita called for Ellie and James' parents for him, cutting their conversation short.

Bending down to Ellie's level, Rosita softly said, "This is where we part I guess." Ellie had not thought about that. She had never lived away from her mother and they were basically each other's lifelines. But as grateful as she was for Rosita letting her go to Hogwarts without a hiccup ( ok maybe one hiccup ), she was only just realising how difficult it was going to be for her to live without her mother.

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