Chapter 22: Snack

Começar do início

"Well, you're an adult, it's clear to me." You could tell she was trying to contain her laughter.

"Don't make fun of me!"

"I don't... Or at least I try... On the other hand, who do I have the pleasure to talk to?"

"With Snack." The mantis blinked blankly. "Snack. S-N-A-C-K, that's what my name is".

This was too much, the mantis burst out laughing, if she wasn't tied she would be clutching her stomach trying to contain herself.

"It is not my fault that my master named me like this! Well, considering that his original plan was to eat me, it is logical that he did not give me a better name, and by the time he decided I could join the troop it was too late to change my name". A slight blush managed to sneak through the whiteness of his face.

"Well, Mr. Snack, what brings you here? What has made you dare to get into my private life and spy on what I do when I am alone?"

The mantis gave the moth a lethal glance, but he was not affected, it overflowed with confidence and perhaps some arrogance, this bothered her a little, it was unusual for a prey to show so little respect.

"Believe me, if I could have avoided it I would have, I am not amused to witness the wicked fantasies of anyone, but somehow I always end up in these messes Ugh..." He sighed. "The thing is, I accidentally got into your dreams, but it was unintentional. I was walking through the cemetery when I felt a curious energy coming from a cave in the highest part, I flew there and found two sleeping insects holding each other, and to my surprise, among them was a strange artifact, the goal of all my journey and my search. The dreamnail! I was going to take it but I was very careless, I must have worn gloves or something. As soon as I touched the weapon, I was transported to this dream and as always I ended up witnessing something that I did not want". He grabbed his forehead with one of his hands. "Why do I always have to see these things?"

"Wait a minute, you just told me this is a dream..."

"Oh yes, a dream created by your mind, or would that person you dreamed of do everything that did to you in real life?"

The nebula in Orchid's mind seemed to clear and she became aware of her surroundings and her situation, she was dreaming, it was all just a product of her imagination. Immediately the ropes that tied her arms disappeared and the mantis fell sitting on the ground, then she clutched her head in horror at the thought of everything that had happened, she had dreamed of that, she had wished it, she was a damn sick woman with wicked desires.

"Hey... It's not to make you mortify yourself so much," said the moth, seeing her so affected. "I mean, you don't hurt anyone and it's your problem what you like, nobody has to criticize you".

"I like an insect that is not a mantis!" She cried with teary eyes.

"Uh... is that what you're worried about?"

"And what did you think I was worried about?"

"......I think you and I have somewhat different ideas... Let's see... You are concerned about being attracted to a bug that is not a mantis..."

"It is an horrible thing."

"Please... It's not the most common but it's not a bad thing either, I myself had a girlfriend who was a dragonfly." Orchid shot him a look of disbelief. "Yes, it's true... She abandoned me for being so tiny but ... I don't want to talk about it. The thing is that, there is nothing wrong with loving someone of another species, it is true that crossbreed children may suffer rejection or some difficulties, but I have met couples who simply do not have children among them and have been able to have happy lives".

NeverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora