Chapter 20: Orchid vs Moon

Start from the beginning

The damage received this time was more noticeable, she did not manage to land properly, so he fell gracelessly crawling on the floor and receiving some scratches on her shell. It was not enough to defeat the mantis, Moon knew it, so without giving up, she ran towards her ready to attack once more.

The Lord was in a bad position to respond to such an attack, so she resorted to desperate measures. She took up her spear and made a swirl of cutting wind from the ground, throwing it at such a low altitude was not convenient since any rock could destroy it, but somehow the wind attack managed to reach Moon. She was strong, but she had no protection on her body, so it was not convenient for her to receive the damage, the whirlpool pointed at her feet, so she dropped her mace to block it.

Her maneuver was successful and her feet were safe, but she didn't count on the mantis popping up out of nowhere behind her and, hitting Moon's head atrociously.

Moon fell with a crash, this attack had been brutal and painful, she did not imagine that Orchid would have such strength considering her slim body. She underestimated her, but it wouldn't happen again. She tightened her grip on her mace that she had never releasedand placed it in front of her. A metallic sound and the pressure on her arms indicated that, as she supposed, Orchid had attacked. The mantises were terrible, they had no mercy with anyone, and even if their enemy was on the ground, they would continue attacking until they were certain that it was finished.

She shoved Orchid back again and quickly stood up, only to receive another onslaught from the mantis, which this time rammed her spear into the side of her body, causing her clothing to stain black. This made Moon furious. Was she trying to kill her? The truth if she had known the mantis better, she would know that she was trying to be soft, she was usually much more brutal, she even felt a little bad about hurting her.

The vessel then fluttered her mace and generated a sharp draft that damaged Orchid and knocked her back.

"Oh no... Moon got serious," Ren said with some trepidation. "Hollow..."

"......" The knight nodded and put on a safety helmet.

Moon swung her mace and hit the ground generating an energy wave that again hurt Orchid and forced her to back up further, but at the same time this blow knocked more crystals and rocks from the ceiling. With all the material that was scattered across the battlefield, moving was already beginning to be somewhat complicated. Moon did not have many difficulties, since her battle style consisted more of staying in one place and resisting there, unlike Orchid that fought moving for all her surroundings. Also, she couldn't stay still either, falling crystals and rocks could hurt her.

The mantis stumbled through the place, dodging and deflecting projectiles with her spear, at first everything seemed to be going well, that was until Moon hit the ground again, but this time with more strengh than ever, this generated a wave of energy that cracked the ground in its path, blowing pebbles in all directions.

Orchid barely managed to dodge this attack, at least the main impact, as the flying pebbles did hit her painfully. But in the midst of its flight, a crystal stuck into one of her legs, generating a pain so sharp that moving became difficult, then she saw with horror that Moon was preparing another of her blows with the mace. Desperate, she blew one of her swirls of wind straight at her body. The vessel immediately lowered the weapon to block the attack, but then something unexpected happened. Orchid's spear dug into her hand.

The guardian tore off the spear and threw it aside, quickly and grabbed her limb complaining of pain, now she could no longer take her weapon, she needed both hands to handle it well. She looked up angrily and saw Orchid approaching now with her claws held high, ready for close combat. Moon looked at her with a slight hint of superiority, few knew it but she was also good at boxing.

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