The Vampire Bat Man - Part 6

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When Szaz wakes up a few moments later, he is completely upside-down-- pinned in his seat by his airbags and strangled tight by a seatbelt.

His companion isn't so lucky. When the vehicle flipped, she was thrown from her seat and hit the asphalt with such force, her head folded in on itself like a rotted Jack-O-Lantern.

Charlie isn't sad to see her dead. But he is profoundly irritated. He had planned to kill her himself, later tonight, and this unfortunate turn of events has robbed him of that singular pleasure.

The heavy sound of boots on asphalt pull Charlie out of his self-pitying thoughts, and into the real world.

He looks straight ahead to see an ominous figure-- black cape, glowing red eyes, skin as white as bleached bone.

Delirious, Zsaz unbuckles himself from the two tons of twisted metal that used to be his car, and falls to the ground..

"So you're The Devil, huh? I knew you'd come for me eventually..."

Charlie bends down and selects a particularly sharp shard of glass from amongst the wreckage. He grips it like a knife. Blood trickles down his palm.

"Lets get this over with."

It's done within seconds. 

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