Chapa's Phone Home

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Credit to @Wewantthecake's OC! Hey guys! Tonight is the brand new Danger Force episode Chapa's Phone Home! Not only will Chapa get her phone back, we will find out who stole it and who had it the whole time! Here's how it might go out!

Chapa:"I am still angry at the boy who stole my phone and I am still going to destroy him!"

Mika:"Come on, Chapa! You're not going to turn this into some kind of big investigation are you?"

Chapa:"Big? No. Huge? Yes!"

Chapa walks out of the room and re-enters wearing a detective suit, pushing in a board with strings. On the top it says 'People who might have stolen my phone!' and there are pictures of Bose, Miles, Mika, Ray, Schwoz, and Alanna. Bose gets star eyes seeing Chapa in a detective suit. 

Chapa:(Hard-boiled tone of voice)"Someone in this room stole my phone! One of you had the guts to steal my beloved phone!"

Alanna:"Ooh, Chapa, you're so hard-boiled. Are you playing a game? Oh, oh, can I play?"

Chapa:"No! I'm trying to find out who stole my phone! It must have been you!"

Dun, dun, dunnnnnnn sound in the backround as Alanna makes a shocked face.

Alanna:"You mean lil ol me?"

Chapa:"Can the cute, sweetheart."

Chapa, I didn't steal your phone! I was with you the whole time, remember?"

Chapa:"Hmm, you're right. My own sister would NEVER do a crime like this."

Chapa removes Alanna's picture from the board.

Alanna:"So...can I help you solve your case? Please, please, please?"

Chapa:"Try not to get in the way."

Alanna:"Yeah! It's a play-date! I mean...(changes into her detective clothes)All right, I'll partner up with you this time.(flips a coin and it disappears)Huh?"

Chapa:"But! You know who would pull off this kind of crime? Captain Man!"

Dun, dun, dunnnnnnn sound in the backround as Ray makes a shocked face.

Mika:"Okay, where is that sound even coming from?"

Chapa holds up her phone.

Chapa:"It's an app!"

When Schwoz, Ray, Mika and Miles are out as the suspects.

Chapa:"Well, there's only one more person on my list of suspects."

Alanna:(flips a coin)"Bose O'brian?"

Chapa:"Um, yeah, how'd you know?"

Alanna points to Chapa's board of suspects, where Schwoz, Ray, Mika, and Miles's pictures and taken off the board leaving Bose's picture left. Bose is standing next to the board. He has a guilty and nervous look on his face. He then notices Chapa and Alanna.

Bose:(Nervously)"Oh! Hey, guys!"

Chapa walks up to Bose.

Chapa:"Well, well, well. If it isn't the boy who stole my phone."

Chapa shines a light in Bose's face.

Chapa:"I know you stole my phone! I know you stole it! Now fess up! Spill the beans, Jack!"

Bose:"I don't know who Jack is! But I would like some beans!"

Chapa:"Did you or did you not steal my phone! Did you steal it?"


Chapa:"Admit it! You stole my phone! I ain't playin!"

Bose puts her hands up in defense.

Bose:"Whoa, just take it easy mi'lady!"

Bose starts tickling and stroking under Chapa's chin and Chapa purred. Unfortunately, Chapa has one weakness. Bose charming her. Unfortunately for Chapa, Bose knows her weakness and is using it right now to his advantage.

Bose:(French accent)"Chapa, darling, I didn't steal your phone. I would NEVER do such a thing to a pretty lady like you..."

Bose holds Chapa's hand and kisses it.


Bose winks at Chapa. All the anger in Chapa disappeared and she felt...dewy. Softish, even. Her heart melted. She melted. Chapa swoons. Alanna slaps her sister.

Alanna:"Sis, snap out of it! It's a trick! A dirty, beautiful trick!"

Chapa snaps out her trance and becomes angry and hard-boiled again.

Chapa:(Angry and hard-boiled tone)"Don't use your charms on me O'brian." 

Bose X Chapa Oneshots!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin