Alanna Oneshots

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Credit to @Wewantthecake's OC!

Miles and Mika are arguing

Chapa:(Comes over to Miles and Mika and yells at them, ruining Miles's hair, and Mika's hair and makeup)"Be quiet! You could wake up Alanna and she's cranky when her nap is disturbed."

Mika and Miles approach Alanna, who is sleeping with her eyes open, taking her afternoon nap, laying down on the Man's Nest couch, her purple Danger Force blanket is over her, she is cuddling Bagel, and she is also sucking her thumb.

Miles:"Ever alert."

Mika:"Alanna has trained herself to sleep with her eyes open."

Chapa:"Ding dang it! Get away from her!"

Alanna:(Wakes up)"Stop shouting, I'm napping!"

Meanwhile, the twins back away from the crabby 4 year old.

Chapa:(Close up of her beautiful face)"It's not me, you little brat!"


Ray:"That's me."

Schwoz:"I'm over here."

Cuts back to Alanna, as she and Chapa start arguing with each other and Miles and Mika start arguing with each other again.


Game Of Phones

Alanna waving 'Hi'.

Alanna:"Hi! I'm Stella Coco Alanna Da Silva! But you can call me Alanna."

Piper, Jasper, Charlotte, Henry, Ray, and Schwoz in unison:"Awwww, you're so cute!"

Alanna:"I know!" She beamed.

Henry:"Nice to meet you Alanna!"

Henry picks up Alanna.

Alanna:"Whee!" She squeals in delight, not even caring that Henry is covered in barbacue sauce.


The Fate of Danger Part I

Henry:"Hi Alanna! Good to see you again!(Ruffing Alanna's pigtails)Look at you, you're just as cute as a dickins!"

Alanna giggles.


Ray:"Alanna!(Picks Alanna up and Alanna squeals in delight)Why, you're as cute as ever!(Ray starts talking baby talk to Alanna)Cootchie, cootchie, cootchie! Wootchie, wootchie, wootchie!"

Alanna giggles.


Return Of The Kid

Henry crouches down to Alanna's height.

Henry:"I can't believe how much you've grown!"

Alanna giggles.


A Henry Among Us

Henry turns to Alanna and gasps.

Henry:"And you!"

Henry picks up Alanna and Alanna squeals in delight.

Henry:"Have you been eating growing beans again?"

Alanna giggles.


The Supies

Alanna:"Uncle Henry, pick me up!"

Alanna jumps in Henry's arms and he picks her up.

Henry:"Oh! You're getting big! Good for you!"


Return Of The Kid

Alanna is baby talking to her black labardor puppy.

Alanna then uses her powers to change into a puppy herself and barks. Alanna's puppy lets out a confused bark.

When Henry is about to leave.

Alanna changes back into her normal self.

Alanna:(Waving bye bye)"Bye bye, Uncle Henry!(Waving her puppy's paw and saying goodbye for her puppy)Bye bye, Uncle Henry!"

An 'Aww' track plays in the backround. The other's hearts melted at Alanna's cuteness.

The others in unison:"Awwww!"

Henry:"Oh, I'm going to have a hard time leaving you guys behind and saying goodbye! I'm gonna miss you guys!"

The kids in unison:"We'll miss you too, Henry!"

Alanna saying Uncle Henry.

Henry turns to Ray.

Henry:"Adorable group of kids you got there. But you need to relax, enjoy this time. Cause it's gonna go by fast, believe me. These days are precious, you can't let them slip away."

Ray looks at the kids being adorable and realizing that Henry is right and that it won't be long before the kids are all grown up to the same age as Henry and won't be sidekicks anymore and they'll be fighting crime as heroes.

Ray:"Yeah. Yeah, you're right.

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