Let's Go To The Movies! With Alanna!

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Credit to @Wewantthecake's OC!

Alanna pitches her movie idea.

Alanna:"Okay, here's the pitch! The food supply in Atlantis is running low! So five superheroes(Captain Man, Shoutout, AWOL, Volt, and Brainstorm)invent a ray gun that make things grow six times their size to shoot at the vegetable gardens!"

Meanwhile, Chapa has her face in her hands and is shaking her head while Bose has a big smile on his face.

Alanna:"But then, the evil villain(The Toddler or Dr.Hare from Poptropica)swoops down and swipes the gun away and shoots all the carrots!(mimes and imitates firing the gun)And he gloms onto the dome!(jumps and lands mouth-first onto a table, where Miles is eating)And he starts sucking on the glass."(sucks on the table. Miles moves his oatmeal away from Alanna in disgust)

Ray:"What's your point, kid?"

Alanna:"No point. I'm just pitching a movie idea."

Chapa:"Um, Sis? We're not doing a superhero movie, remember?"

Alanna:"Oh, right."


Alanna:"Ooh! I got one! "Adventures in the Underground City."

Chapa:"Great, sis, what happens?"

Alanna:"Well, there's a city, and it's underground, and they have an adventure! The end."

Chapa:"Um, that's great sis, but...what is the adventure about?"

Alanna:"Uhhhh...ummmm...Oh! There's a superhero(Captain Man)and he gets his face...(shrinks her face)...shrunk by a villain's(Dr.Minyak)face minimizer!"

Bose:"Yeah, and then he...umm...he drinks...cheese coffee!"

Alanna:(Laughs)"Good one Bose!"(Both laugh)

Chapa:"Sis! We already talked about this! We're not doing a superhero movie!"

Alanna:"Oh, yeah."


Alanna:"Ooh! I got one! Our story begins with a man named Jevadiah!"

Chapa:"Sis, I don't think--"

Bose:"Shhh! It's starting! It's starting!"

Time skip

Bose is eating popcorn

Alanna:(Southern accent)"Jevadiah, you may have filled the cavity in my tooth(Smiles with her teeth while putting her face on tops of her hands and titling her head a little)(Puts hands down and tilts her head back right)but you will never fill the cavity in this town's heart."

Chapa:"Why would the dentist put braces on a talking horse?"

Bose:"Because the aliens told them to Chapa! Pay attention!"


Mika:"About a cat who is a dog who is an astronaut and I've got nothing!"

Alanna:"Ohh! Or a football player! Or a king! Or a spaceman! Or a football playing king in space!...With a mustache."

Chapa:"Yeah, uh-huh."


Dummy:"Your roasts gave me the spark of life!"

Alanna:"Ooh! Just like in Frosty The Snowman where the kid put the magic hat on Frosty and he came to life and said 'Happy Birthday!' and just like in Frozen when Elsa created Olaf and he came to life! 'Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!'"

Dummy:"Exactly!(Whispers to Chapa)I don't know what's she talking about."

Chapa:(Whispering back)"Neither do I."

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