A lost of a friend

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It has been a while since we last saw you and team prime. You were in the base looking at the monitors and checking on everyone's vital signs as Ratchet went out on patrol, but you are becoming incredibly worried for Ratchet because his Energon signs were very low.

T/n: Everyone's Vitals are stable but you running low bud, Are you sure you need to do this Ratchet?

Ratchet: We have little Energon T/n, I'm a Medic for Prime's sake, not a damn fighter. we need all the firepower we need if Megatron is here on earth.

T/n: I know but it has been quiet for the past three Solar cycles, but it doesn't mean we're safe just yet. Plus we both know that I'll accidentally cut an optic open since I do not know medical care.

Ratchet: I know, I know. But enough of that, what about the other's vitals?

T/n: Still online, though it seems Cliff had the brilliant idea of scaring some police officers again since the humans social network has been nothing but him and his stunts for the last couple of Cycles, remind me again why I'm under house arrest and he's not?

Ratchet: Cause his alt mode is a land base vehicle while yours is an airborne one, I'm still surprised that you have been undetected for a long time until the Decepticons decided to do their assault in an occupied city. 

T/n: More reasons for us to stop them before they cause more harm to the life forms here on earth, besides since they are also here for the ark.

Ratchet was about to continue until you both heard Arcee's call.

Arcee: Arcee to Optimus, The cons are back, and Cliff may be neck-deep in scrap.

Optimus: Understood. Ratchet, T/n. Do you have Cliffjumper's coordinates?

Ratchet: I'm locked on his signal Optimus but our team is scattered across time zones.

T/n: I can ground bridge to him, but due to my current circumstance, I am unable to help.

Optimus: I understand your frustration T/n but you must follow orders. Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Streamline. Rondevue back at base and prepare to ground bridge.

T/n: I'll prepare the bridge, Hurry we don't have time.

You began placing the coordinates in the control module as you have locked-on on Cliffjumper's position, Soon the others arrive and with no time to waste you activated the ground bridge and everyone went in. once they arrived you turn on the comms as you listen to the conversation.

Optimus: an Untapped Energon deposit.

Bulkhead: What's left of it?

Ratchet: The first Decepticon activity in Three days.

Optimus: That we know of, if they're scouting for Energon they may be preparing for his return.

You waited for a bit until you heard both Streamline and Arcee gasp.

T/n: What happened, what did you two see?

Optimus: Ratchet, T/n. Can you track his position?

T/n: On it!

You began typing at the terminal as you were looking for Cliffjumper until you saw something you wished was an error in the terminal.

Ratchet: No, Cliffjumper's life signal just went offline.

T/n: Damnit!!

You banged at the terminal as you hit it in frustration and accidentally broke some of Ratchet's stuff as well as broke the medical kit Ratchet had on the terminal.

T/n: If I wasn't under house arrest, I would have been there to help him!

Optimus: T/n, Calm down before you accidentally destroy the terminal. We still need it.

T/n: ...*sigh* sorry, just not in a good mood right now.

Ratchet: *sigh* Just tell me what you broke so I can replace them... again.

T/n: ... I broke some of your beakers, and your medical kit plus the terminal has a dent on it.

Ratchet: T/n We Needed That!

You bridge them all back at base as ratchet began to start an argument with you again as you two began to bicker about his stuff, after a few minutes of bickering you all went to the top of the base as you and the others mourn for Cliffjumper.

Optimus: We must not allow our anger over the loss of Cliffjumper to impair our judgment, As of today Only we 7 Autobots remain on this earth, We ow it to ourselves, to the memory of Cybertron, To any Autobots in any Galaxy seeking safe harbor, to humankind, And we ow it to the memory of our fallen comrade, to survive.

Arcee places the broken piece of Cliff's horn on the ground as Streamline looked at the broken piece with so much sorrow in her eyes. 

Optimus: Arcee.

Arcee: if Cliff's gone then standing around here sulking won't bring him back, so unless everyone minds I'll get back to protecting humankind.

Arcee drove off as you looked at streamline and she went her separate way as well.

Ratchet: Optimus, Helping humans will only bring more tragedy.

Optimus: Your opinion is noted.

T/n: I just hope those two don't do anything stupid in their current state.

Ratchet: we have to pray to primus that they don't do anything stupid.

You nod as you went back to base and help ratchet replace the broken equipment you broke.

(Le time skip)

You were with Optimus as Arcee and the others were reporting on what they did and suffice to say you were rubbing your temple at the report.

Optimus: Human?

Bumblebee: Beep...Boop beep. Beep, Boop. (Yes... Three of them. Two boys, one girl.)

T/n: ...*Inhale* *exhale* Let me get this straight, You four fought the cons in two small towns and got three humans involved!

Arcee: And the cons would have been scrapped metal if I wasn't distracted by the human.

T/n: Besides the point, you guys were supposed to not get them involved. furthermore, you three were somewhat together while streamline was in a different city, And can you tell us how a human spotted you?

Streamline: She just appeared out of nowhere with her pet and began chasing after it when the cons and I were fighting, Once the cons saw her they began to fire at her and I have to save her.

T/n: And where is she now?

Streamline: After the cons were defeated I dropped her off in front of a tall building and drove off, but not before I told her that I would hunt them down If she told anyone I exist.

Arcee: Good one, I told the tall one the same thing.

T/n: ...Are you two sure you are not sisters?

Arcee: Anyway, I guess the second one caught us in the action I don't know, was a little busy at the time.

Optimus: If the Decepticons are targetting us, anyone who proceeds as our ally will be at grave risk.

T/n: So what's the plan?

Optimus: tomorrow I would wish to speak to them, it is about their safety. Considering their current exposure to our presence we must not let them be harmed by the Decepticons, as of today they are now on their list.

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