awakening part 1

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The stasis pods open and soon you grabbed the side of the pod as you walked out.

T/n: *groan* Man It feels like my servos are going to rust.

You look around and saw that the ark was offline.

T/n: How long was i in Stasis for? 

You went towards the energon reserves but it was empty.

T/n: Scrap metal, What happened to all the energon cubes i've stored?! 

You looked around the ark and saw the med bot holding an empty energon cube in the ships generator.

T/n: Well that explains that. Scrap, now i need to find more energon to fuel this thing, if there is any energon on this planet. 

You went towards the airlock and open it to see that you were buried under something.

T/n: Scrap metal, How many Stellar cycles have i been in stasis for?

you turned your hand into a drill and began digging out. it took you a couple Solar cycles but you finally dug out and finally see the out side. you saw that the entire place was covered in green organic matter and saw a bunch of organics roaming around. you went towards a water source but heard engines roaring you turned your arm into an energon canon and saw a Flyer roaming the skies.

T/n: Scrap, Decepticon scouts! I need to hide!

You ran towards the trees and hid there you had your canons ready incase the decepticons saw you but they didn't as they flew by.

T/n: *sighs* Thank the All spark, i wasn't ready to go to the well of all sparks yet. But where is that con going?

You carefully follow that Flyer back to what seems to be a military base and you saw many organics roaming around carrying heavy looking containers.

T/n: Those cons are forcing these organics to do their heavy lifting!

As you look closely you see that they aren't even cons just vessels for these organisms as they hop out of one.

T/n: Huh, these organics are riding them? Are these vessels cons that lost their energon or their just simply vessels these organics created?

As you began watching them from the distance you began to understand these organics. They have unique abilities such as flying and turning the ground into Metal. The more you look at them the more you were curious on how organics this small could wield such power. As it was night and all the organics have left the facilities. You got out from your cover and began to explore their vehicles and one in particular caught you're optics.

 You got out from your cover and began to explore their vehicles and one in particular caught you're optics

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T/n: Look at that beauty! I Can't wait to get my new alt on!

You scan the V-22 Osprey and began to transform into it. You activate your engine's and began flying back to the ark in your new alt mode.

Y/n: Woohoo, now this is awesome!!

(Time skip)

It has been a few stellar cycles since being here. You found out this planet is called earth and it's life forms are called humans. These humans have the ability to have powers called quirks and use it for good and evil. You were at an energon mine collecting energon for the ark as well as repairing it in the process. The arks ground bridge was operational and Unharmed, you began to use the ground bridge to get to places quickly such as the north pole, the sahara desert and much more. You have enough energon to last you one or two Stellar cycles. But you had an optic on the autobots com channels. You place a satellite on to of the dormant volcano to see if any autobots survived. It was dead silent as no signal were being received and you feared the worst but you stay strong and hope that Optimus and the other remaining autobots were still out there. As you were injecting energon the sensors went wild as decepticon activity was seen in a specific location in japan.

T/n: Scrap! Medos i need a ground bridge to japan, Now!

Medos the modified medical bot that you made nods and activated the ground bridge you transform into your alt mode and fly towards the source.

Aizawas POV.

The villains were nothing more than jokes but the real threats are the two in front of me.

: Good job eraser head but that wasn't all of them.

I heard the roars of planes above, i looked up and saw four of them they were not any planes that i know of. as they broke into the dome the unimagenable happen. they turned into robots with futuristic weapons. and they were all pointing right at me.

: Eraser Head meet my newest ally, The Vehicons!

Aizawa: What are those?!

: That is not important, now destroy eraser head and after that the children in here as well!

Vehicons: Yes, Sir!

As they were about to fire we all heard a V-22 Osprey flying by, I looked up and saw it. It fired it's machine guns at the vehicons as they fired back at it. One of the vehicons were destroyed while the other three continued to fire.

Vehicon: Autobots, Scrap them!

Two vehicons transform into planes and chase after the Osprey. One stay behind and began to communicate to it's ear piece.

Vehicon: This scouting team one, we found an autobot were hot on their trails.

I don't know what it was receiving but it nods it head and transform to chase after the Osprey.

: So there were autobots here after all.

I looked at the hand villain as he was scratching his neck.

: Well they got orders to follow so I can't blame them, now where were we eraser?

I prepare myself as I was about to fight.

No one's POV

At the decepticon destroyer soundwave has received the info about an autobot here on earth. He inform Megatron as he smirks at the information.

Megatron: Looks like an autobot was here after all. Soundwave continue your search on the missing autobot battle ship we must make sure it is destroyed!

Soundwave nods as he went back to the computer to find the battle ship.

Megatron: You can't hide forever autobot you will tell me of the arks location and when you do.

He had a creepy smile on his face as he laughed.

Megatron: No one will be in my way. No one!!

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