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Cybertron, once a beautiful planet full of life is now in internal turmoil. A war was raging on between the two sides, the autobots lead by the now appointed optimus prime and the  decepticons lead by the fierce and ruthless Megatron. The two sides have been at war for many years. But for now we focus on one cybertronian as he's running behind cover.

: Move, Move, Move! Those tailpipes are right behind us!!

You and a few surviving autobots were running away from decepticon bombers nearing your position.

T/n: Scrap! Everyone get to the escape pods, Now!!

: But sir, what about you?!

T/n: No time! You all need to rendezvous with Optimus and the others, their at the escape pods. Hurry, I'll by you guys some time!

You transform your hand in to an energon blaster and get out of cover.

T/n: Come and get me cowards!!

The decepticons put their attention at you as you shot down two decepticon flyers.

: There, an Autobot!!

: Scrap him!!

You were running at the other direction while shooting down a decepticon flyer that flown right next to a bomber there before destroying it on impact.

T/n: Woohoo!! Two for one!

As you were running away you received a autobot transmission from ratchet himself.

Ratchet: To all surviving autobots retreat to the escape pods, Now! We'll all rendezvous at these coordinates, I repeat, go to the escape pods Now!

As the transmission was about to cut off you were hit by a decepticon missile, You were tumbling down and hit the ground while some debris fall on you.

T/n: *groan*...Scrap.

You look up and saw the decepticon flyers passing by as they were going toward the capital.

T/n: Oh Come on, not the paint job!

You transform into your alt mode and go to the nearest ship. Once you reached the hangar you saw a lot of destroyed ships.

T/n: Oh For bootin up cold, Really?!

You went into the hangar to see alot of scraped bots and cons.

T/n: By the all spark, what happened here? How did the cons know our locations?!

As you said that you saw a lot of bots missing Their servos or they were all leaking energon on the ground.

T/n: I need to find a ship and fast!

You went towards a service elevator and punched in the codes. As the elevator slowly went down you saw that nearly all the ships are broken and some are destroyed.

T/n: What a load of scrape, first they found the hangar next they destroyed nearly every aircraft, what's next? make Cybertron a desolate scrapyard!

As the elevator stops the door were jammed so you had to pry them open. Once open you looked at the ships to see if any of the are space worthy.

T/n: Scrapped, scrapped, Scrapped!! They're all to damage to be repaired and even if they are still fixable I don't have a minicon to help me fix the ship!

As you were searching for a ship you stumbled across a dark room. When you turn the lights on you wouldn't believe what you saw.

 When you turn the lights on you wouldn't believe what you saw

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