Chapter 4: Follow that Rabbit

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"Grandma! I quickly hug her as she laid still on the rusted hospital bed. Connected to some different liquids hanging from poles.

"Grandma I'm so sorry I didnt come to visit the past few days, mother has been getting upset with me and there was a situation down the street with some guys-" I would've continued to ramble but I stopped myself.

"Edith, my sweet girl." She just laid looking at me for a moment. "How are you dear?"

  I wasn't sure wheather to tell in detail of what just happened before getting there but when it came to my Grandmother there was no hiding anything.

  She just smiled sweetly. The thought of that smile made me think of so many moments before where I had taken it for granted. "Oh Edith, what did your mother say this time?"

  I was angry that she even had to mentioned right now. "No, I mean- you know how she is but thats not why I'm here. I got a call that your not doing well... Are you..?"

   "Not doing well?" She laughed a little bit. "You know how those nurses are, always on high alert."

   I laid my head next to her chest and hugged her. As much as I loved the hug I also wanted to listen to her breathing up close. And as I would expect is was harsh and in short spirts.

"Edith, there is some very important things I have to tell you dear and I don't think have much more time." She layed her delicate hand over my cheek. I grasped at it, feeling the bumps and wrinkles on her hand like I was reading a story blindly.

"What is it?"

"I know your mother never took kindly to me telling you about such things but this is one of the most important things to me. I cant let it die with me."

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to predict whatever she could be talking about.

Suddenly a nurse walked over and disrupted my thought. "I'm sorry visiting hours are going to be ending soon, please say good-bye and proceed to exit through that door over there."

I quickly look back to my grandmother.

"It seems I don't have enough time to explain as I wanted.. remember the stories I used to tell you about when I was a little girl?"

"Well of course but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Those stories have a much deeper meaning then you could know right now. I hate to introduce you this way but you must protect them at all cost!"

"Okay, its time to go Miss Everlocke." The nurse started pushing me tword the door. I try and pull back needing to hear my grandmother speak her wish. "Mam, its time to go!"

Once again I look back to my grandmother. Her almond eyes had an extra wrinkle as she gave me a reasurring smile. At that point all I could think of was how I possibly wasnt going to see my grandmother again. At least not in this life. "Don't worry my dear. Follow Sebastian, he will tell you everything."

Before I could understand the nurse continued to nudge me out the main doors, her smile just barely masking her hatred for her job. "Continue down the hall and make a right." She slammed the doors as I was left to myself. I just stood there for a moment, unsure what to do with all my conflicting feelings till finally I broke down.

I couldn't control my sobbing as I slowly collapsed to the floor. "What the hell could she have ment by following a rabbit thats been gone for over a decade!?" I exclaimed outloud to myself. My voice echoed through the empty hall yet I still felt no one could hear me. I didnt want to go back to my friends, have Kat feel bad for me as she always does, and Arthur seeing me in such a state after just re-meeting.

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