"I know. I know that your mother would have done everything to help me. That's how genuine of a person she is," All for One answered, his lips creeping up into a soft smile before falling back into a deep line. "But if I did go to her in this condition, you both would have ended up being dragged into my evil work one way or another because the league doctor was the only one that was able to care for me and my specific injuries."

Midoriya pursed his lips. It sounded like a good reason but he couldn't blindly trust it. Not when he knows that All for One is a master manipulator. He told him stories of how all he needs to do is say whatever the other person wants to get them to join him.

God, he was too scatter brained right now.

"That's... I ran out of what I wanted to ask about," Midroiya stood up abruptly which made All for One's head jerked up like he went to follow his movement even though the villain couldn't see. "I'll be back to ask more questions."

"Alright then, goodbye for now."


"Maybe it's your own fault everything turned out this way. Or your mother. She must have known something..."

Midoriya leveled a glare at the therapist which rendered him silent, "People like you shouldn't be a therapist. If I was your boss, I would have revoked your license by now. And you need to retake all of the classes required if you said this stuff to the people you talk to."

He stood up and walked out of the room. Izuku sighed, "And now I have to report another one. What a waste of money."

As soon as he made it back home, he marched his way to his documents inside his office. He needed more answers, he needed the truth.

With a strong pull, he pull out a hefty folder from his visits with All for One inside his filing cabinet. He pulled it out so quickly the papers fell onto the floor. Midoriya breathed heavily as he started to organize the papers on the floor from each session he had with the infamous villain.


All for One asked as Midoriya entered the room and slammed the door shut behind him, "You're back again?"

Midoriya marched up to the seat and slammed down into the chair, "Aren't you happy that I came again?"

"Well, of course I am. Even though it doesn't seem like you are all that happy about this situation," All for One replied as Midoriya took his seat in front of the glass with a stern expression written across his face. "Now, more questions or can I get back to tell you about my stories?

"What were your intentions with my mother?"

All for One shook his head softly, "Ah, so more questions it is."

"I met Inko back when I had my influence running strongly in the underground and above ground in many businesses. I was checking on one of my followers that was trying to run a drug ring within their pharmacy without my permission," All for One explained as he started to grin. "But then I saw a green haired woman totally berating them for trying to sell to some teenager. I found her to be interesting. So I walked up to basically take my follower away so I could deal with them directly. The way she looked at me was indescribable."

"Bleh," Midoriya fake gagged at the expression on the scarred villain's face.

"Hey, I was handsome back in my day. You'll understand when you find someone like that." All for One defended himself before continuing. "Anyway, I found an interest in her since many other people would have just turned a blind eye and left it to the heroes. But she faced him directly and spoke her mind. So I needed to know more about her."

Izuku is a Therapist for the Meta Liberation ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now