stay away.

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i sat in my last class of the day, thinking about the kiss i shared with marinette.

i originally only kissed her because i wanted to help with her situation.

well.. that's not entirely true,  obviously i wanted to make adrien mad, but that was it.

i mean of course she was a gorgeous girl, and without any makeup too. unlike the other girls who had to literally cake their face to catch my attention.

and her personality.. she was the sweetest most caring girl i've ever met, even if she hated me. she wasn't fake either. she was just a genuine real person.

incredibly talented too, her designs were breathtaking . if she wasn't so stupid she'd show my uncle and gain the recognition she deserves.

point is, i got her. before adrien did. and that's all that mattered, and if my assumptions are correct that was her first kiss.

everyone i've had before has been a whore. sorry, but they've definitely slept around.

and i've slept with a lot girls, of course. but her innocence intrigued me.

and that was it.

i'm sure of it.


i think.


félix was deep in thought, he decided he should text marinette. for whatever reason, he wanted her.

he could have any girl he wanted but no one he's been with had captured his attention the way marinette had.

"hey." he texted her.

her read receipts were on and when he saw she viewed it with no response he was appauled.

"are you ignoring me princess?" he double texted , desperate for her attention.

she read the text almost instantly.. it took her a moment but she finally responded "oh.. hey.."

they texted the entire class period. about the kiss, about her designs, about anything she wanted to talk about really.

despite félixs usual playboy attitude, he quite enjoyed getting to know the bluenette. and as minutes went by, they became quite comfortable texting.

F:  "seriously? they just left you there? in shanghai all by yourself?"
M:  "yep and they didn't even realize.. i mean come on? their only daughter?"
F:  "wait.. so how did they end up getting you"
M:  "they took a flight back."
F:  "let me ask you something princess, was it your fault they left you? this all just seems a bit unrealistic to me."
M:  "well.. i did. drop my design book in the gate waiting area so i had to run back and get it."
F:  "mm so they left thinking you were there with them?"
M:   "... i guess you could say that"
F:  "quite the clumsy girl aren't you princess?"
M:  "hush."
F:  " it's okay, i find it quite adorable actually. and one day, id like to see that book."
M:  "really?"
F:  "yes. i've seen you wear some tops you've designed. you're very talented"
M:  "you'll have to come over sometime then."

félix smiled at his phone, liking the boldness he was being given. he began to text back when a thud on his desk snapped him out of his daze.

he looked up to see adrien.


i walked back into school fuming, i tried calming myself down after dropping marinette off but i just couldn't.

félix needed to know his place, and i was gonna show him it.

i walked into his 6th period after the bell, to my surprise he was in there alone. usually, if i walk into an empty classroom and find félix, there's always a girl attached to his hip.

i walked up the steps to get to the top desk where he sat, he didn't even notice me he was too busy at whatever he was looking at on his phone. i swear i actually saw him smile?

i peered over his head and saw he was texting someone, marinette to be exact.

i of course got more pissed off. i slammed my hands on the desk, getting his attention.

he looked up quickly, when he met my eyes he gave me a cocky smile.

"ah.. to what do i owe this pleasure, my favorite cousin?" he spoke almost taunting me.

"stay away from marinette." i threatened.

"why? i think she's a nice girl, and i enjoy talking to her." he responded looking me dead in my eyes.

"listen, i don't know what your endgame is here, but i won't let you hurt her like you've hurt almost every girl at this school." i kept eye contact, letting him know i was serious.

félix then stood up slowly, putting his hands on the table opposite of mine, looking at me, that cocky smirk reappearing.

"fine, i'll stay away from her. but i cant promise she'll stay away from me" his voice was laced with confidence, which pissed me off more.

"félix." i spat. "this may be a game to you but it isn't to me, i wont let anything happen to marinette, she's too special to me."

félix cocked his head to the left slightly running a hand through his disheveled hair. "i think you should calm down, i mean it's not like she's your girlfriend or anything. besides from what i hear, what you did today was a huge turn off." he chuckled.

i was taken aback by his words. did marinette tell him what happened with me? what did he say to her? what did she even think of me now?

a thousand thoughts ran through my head a mile a minute, and the whole reason, the whole problem. started with félix.

i ran up grabbing him by the neckline of his shirt pushing him against the wall. inches from his face i glared at him. "stay. away."

"careful agreste" he responded tauntingly. without giving me time to think he reached his arms up, grabbing ahold of mine. he pinned them behind my back with one hand,  pushing my head down to the table with the other.

"i don't think marinette would approve of you roughing me up before i come over." he whispered in my ear.

like a knife to the heart, his words rang through me. i felt completely paralyzed, thinking of all the possibilities.

félix took this oppourtunity to walk out of the classroom, without saying a word more.

i had to visit her tonight.

i had to make sure she didn't hate me. and most importantly ,

i had to make sure what félix said wasn't true.


goodmorning baes, omg i'm having so much fun writing this book. i literally love updating chapters.

anyways.. marichat in the next chapter 😋

next chapter will be up in a few hours !

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