stare down.

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"dude, just tell me" nino pestered "are you with chloé or not?"

"i don't know nino.. we're just hanging out at the moment i guess? nothing new. you know she was one of my closest friends."

i was standing outside my car with nino during lunch when he started asking all these questions about chloé.

i didn't understand why he was so adamant on getting a clear answer out of me. what did it even have to do with him?

not only that but he kept looking towards the front of the parking lot, like he was waiting for something, but i brushed it off.

"dude, that's not what i asked. i want an actual answer." i watched as my bestfriend pleaded with me.

"relax nino, it's nothing" i responded to him forcing a smile as we began to walk to the front of the parking lot.

the truth is, i didn't even know what me and chloé were.

i haven't slept with anyone since kagami, and while she may have kissed me a couple times. i was clear about our relationship being strictly friends.

although.. it's not like the attention didn't feel nice..

i mean of course it was nice to have a distraction from ladybug, especially since it seems besides patrol we never see eachother.

ever since me and ladybug became a team to fight against shadow moth, i fell head over heels for her.

she was just so perfect. her humor, her features, her laugh, her smile, the way she always had a plan, and her confid-

"DUDE!" nino hit me in my arm hard interrupting my thoughts.

i sighed, "what is it nino?" slightly irritated , i was enjoying my visions of my lady in red.

nino pointed to the picnic tables at the front of the school, his head darting back and forth from what he was looking at to my face.

when i looked, i saw marinette my best friend, and alya ninos girlfriend, and.. félix?

confusion quickly turned into unexplainable anger.

what was he doing so close to her?

why was his hand cupping her face?

she's too sweet for him to try and sleep with her just like he does to every other girl.

i began to walk faster trying to get there as quick as i could before nino put a hand to my chest, stopping me.

"woah there dude, you need to calm down before you go over there." he said with a worrisome expression.

i huffed, obviously not wanting to wait any longer. i mean at this very second he could be playing with her feelings.

i looked down, realizing my fists were balled up. "oh shit, good call nino. thanks." i said genuinely

my bestfriend looked at me with a genuine smile. "no problem dude, i mean it's marinette after all. she hates félix, but between her and alya im sure they can handle themselv-..."

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