006 - i think he knows

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listen to i think he knows by taylor swift  for better experience!!

y/n's pov:

it was a rainy chilly autumn morning. frequently, im up about 3 hours before, but it wasn't unpunctual. only 9 am, not bad.

many individuals share different relationships with the rain. very often, it ruins an event you had planned. the way you describe rain can vary depending on what type of rain it is. for instance, light rain or heavy rain.

on my own part, it is soothing. it allows me to snuggle up under a blanket and feel calm. give you peace and quietness. quietude and placidity. this type of rain is light and misty, quite the best time to drink hot cocoa on a chilly morning.

the sound of rain in general is comforting to me. gentle rain sounds comforting and unfortunately, i don't notice it frequently because of how light it's falling on surfaces. most definitely the type of rain i would fall asleep to.

enough of about my calming rant about rain. i had to get ready for this "study date" i guess you could call it with kiyoomi at 11.

"vic, i seriously do not know what to wear." y/n says while widening her eyes, viewing the pile of clothes she just threw, trying to find an outfit.

"y/n l/n. it is 9 in the fucking morning. the date is at 11, you have plenty of time." vicky says tiredly.

"okay, its not a date. and putting my outfit together, doing my hair, and putting a tiny bit of makeup on, plus driving to the library will all lead up to 11 a.m." y/n says in a single breath.

"why dont you wear what you wore last time?" vicky says while yawning, clearly half asleep.

"we hung out 4 days ago, he'll remember what i wore!" y/n says, raising her voice not too much.

"alright, wearing a full black outfit to match your boyfriend's hair. oh and the cute little moles he has above his eyebrow!" vicky says, more excited this time.

"he is not my boyfriend!" y/n yells while stomping and blushing.

"oh come on, you know you liked that i said he's your boyfriend. but in all seriousness, do you like him?" vicky says while giving y/n a side hug.

"i met him 2 weeks ago, and i've never actually been in love before. im not sure, but i enjoy being around him and he makes me feel.. safe?"

"i'll let that be up to you, now get ready! date's in 2 hours!!" vicky says before entering her room, most likely going to sleep again.

timeskip <3

third person's pov:

y/n was wearing some black sweatpants that were slightly tight, they made her look decent. going along with chuck 70s converse that were platform, also black. the radio silence shirt & black zip up finishing up the look.

kiyoomi on the other hand, was quite inspired by y/n outfit at their "coffee date." he wore a long light brown coat, protecting him from the chilly autumn morning. he was currently wearing some doc martens, he may or may have not bought them after seeing how much y/n liked them.

"hey ki!" y/n exclaims after sneaking up on kiyoomi.

after kiyoomi hurriedly turns around to the sound of y/n's voice, he smiles with a slight blush

"hey n/n, you scared me jesus."

"my apologies, mr. sakusa." y/n says while jokingly curtesing to him.

after kiyoomi slightly chuckles, he mentions about the subjects y/n might have trouble with and how they can start. but really, was y/n even listening to what kiyoomi was saying? she wasn't, she was mesmerized by his eyes, almost hypnotizing her.

"y/n? y/n! hellllooooo? earth to y/n!!" kiyoomi says after realizing that y/n wasnt paying attention.

"hm?! oh sorry, go on." y/n slightly whispers, again, loud enough for kiyoomi to hear.

kiyoomi looks at her with a confused look and a smile on his face, maybe hinting that he knows.

after a few minutes, y/n finally gets it and thanks kiyoomi. they start having a long conversation, switching topics as fast as lightning.

"okayy, so i just noticed it's almost 4 and my next class is at 4:30 so i better get going" y/n calls out while gathering her things.

"nooo, i don't want you to leave. can we hangout after or maybe another day?" kiyoomi says with a slight pout on his face

"of course, tell me when and where. i'll be there." y/n says while standing up.

"this was really nice and it was fun seeing how you understand certain things. thank you for this n/n." kiyoomi says lowly, again loud enough for y/n to hear, while quickly hugging her.

"thank you for helping me! i'll see you later or another day? don't forget to text me!" y/n says while walking backwards, waving rapidly at kiyoomi.

y/n's pov:

"vickyy, he didnt want me to leave for my classes! how cute is that oh my god!" i say while stuffing my face in my pillow.

"thats so cute, when's the next date?" vicky says.

"they're not dates! it's just us hanging out."

"yeah, sureee"

"but he looked at me with this look on his face when i got like, mesmerized by his eyes. it was almost like he knew i felt something. he's just so- AHH!!"

"what! oh lovely,

i think he knows."




help i just finished crying thinking about the ending, IT IS SAD BRO. i have everything planned in my head and i can't wait to make yall cry 🤭 also im so sorry for making you guys wait so long for this chapter, i got a bf and have been super busy 😭 but i love you guys and hope you enjoyed <3

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