005 - feels like

18 1 5

listen to "feels like" by gracie abrams for better experience!!

third person pov:

the very next morning after the amusing, delightful, and pleasant night they both had, they unexpectedly rose at the same time, both having the same thought.

"should i text her?"
"should i text him?"

yet, neither had enough mettle to do so. but one of them had to do it, surprisingly, kiyoomi was willing to risk it.

good morning, i deeply apologize if this is sent too early. but its kiyoomi, from the audition. really hope this is y/n :)

good morning! its not too early you're perfectly fine! but yes this is y/n, hi kiyoomi :) did you want to talk about something?

hi y/n :). i was willing to ask you about possibly going out to a new cafe on 40th street? i was going to go with my some of my other friends but they had plans. its fine if you're busy!

i'd love to go but it really depends at what time we're going. i have classes from 8:30-11:30. if it's after that i can go, might be a little late though because my campus is rly big 😵‍💫.

that's fine! possibly at 12:30 or so?

thats fine with me! meet you there?

yeah, text me when u get out of school to make sure you're safe

you caring about me has literally made my day shut up 🥹. yes i'll text you, see you later <3.

haha, okay see you :).

y/n's pov:

"vickyy" i exclaim while leaning on her shoulder.


"okay so there's this guy i met at the audition i told you about, and we talked for a little while so i gave him my number. we danced for quite a while and i extorted myself home. he just asked me to get some coffee after school and to text him to make sure im safe ☹️🫶" i say all in one breath

"that's adorable, where's my dream guy?" vicky says while leaning on my head.

"also what should i wear?"

"y/n... babes, its a coffee date. wear warm colors! your tan jeans that are absolutely stupendous, your dark brown jacket and your doc martens! easy." vicky says

"vic you're actually the best i love you so much" i say with heart eyes.

"i love you too, class ends at 10:30, so u have plenty of time to get ready, no?"

timeskip after school!!

hi ki!! can i call you that? anyways i just got home from school :). meet you at the cafe.

hey y/n, its fine dont worry :). im glad you're safe, see you in 30 minutes?

yup, see you in 30 minutes!

kiyoomi loved y/n's message "yup, see you in 30 minutes!"

kiyoomi's pov:

i heard some shoes clacking against the streets, must've been someone wearing high heels or boots. to my surprise, it was the person i was waiting for.

"hey! im sorry im a few minutes late, traffic caught on." y/n says with a very soft smile.

"hi, nice to see you. you look good." i say politely in a soft whisper, loud enough for her to hear.

she looks at me confusingly then cracks a huge smile and laughs quietly.

"i met you at the right time, this is what it feels like." she exclaims after a moment.

"elaborate on that please." i say while i put my face to rest on my hand with a soft smile.

"its the first time someone has actually cared about my appearance, or me in general. in fact ive never been in love and rarely get compliments. im glad i met you kiyoomi." she says while looking at ne with a adorable smile of hers.

i chuckle slightly at her statement finding it surprising she rarely gets compliments, she's really is beautiful.

"i feel like im living in a movie i've watched." she says after a moment.

when i was getting prepared to comprehend her question and respond, our orders arrived.

"i ordered you a latte because i heard you talk about loving them in our conversation yesterday, i hope thats okay." i say in a soft whisper.

"i love it, thank you kiyoomi." she says with a soft smile.

after many laughs, whispers, and smiles exchanged, it had come to the end of our little "coffee date."

"are we going the same way?" she questions noticing we're still next to each other after exchanging goodbyes.

"i guess so." i say with a smile.

we both step on the train, it was cold. we left the city part of tokyo. it seemed like our walks were in sync and formed a pattern.

after the train went to three other different stops, y/n announced the next one was hers.

"oh, mine is the one after. it was nice having coffee with you. i really appreciated it." i say with a soft smile.

"i really enjoyed too. and thank you for even thinking of me to hang out. and thank you for not letting me pay!" she says, raising her voice just a bit at the end sentence.

she gets off the train, her doc martens clacking against the train floor then to the sidewalk. she turns around like it was in slow motion, softly smiles at me and waves.

it felt like i was paused in time. i was frozen, i couldn't move. i waved back and quickly sat, hoping it hides my blush.

might this new a be feeling?
maybe.. a new beginning?

i guess,

this is what it feels like.

this is such a longer chapter than usual so i hope you guys enjoy it!! coffee date with these two. also, i do think the idea of kiyoomi being a germaphobe is really stupid so he isn't wearing a mask here. if you have questions, i'd be glad to answer.
i love you all, mwah <3.

989 words

cowboy like me - s. kiyoomi ❥Where stories live. Discover now