Cato and I have been in this fight since when I got to Finnick's house. He's mad at me because I told Johanna and Glimmer about Cato and I's little secret. Ever since I saw him walk away from Gale I haven't been able to find him. I'm not paying attention and run right into Johanna.

"Hey! Watch where you going, freak! Oh, sorry, Clove. I didn't know it was you," Johanna says getting up off the ground.

"Sorry. I just haven't been able to find Cato for a while. Have you seen him?" I ask hoping for an answer.

"No sorry," she says. "I'll let you know if I do though." "Thanks," I say. I walk away from her.

I didn't realize my head was starting to hurt. I guess it was because the music was so loud. I decide to go upstairs to try and get away from the noise. I head straight for Finnick's room. I know he really doesn't want people in his room, but I'm one of his best friends, so he can't mind too much. When I reach his door I grab the knob. It starts to move from under my hand. Cato steps out. "What were you doing in there?" I question.

"Umm... the, umm, people were just really annoying. How 'bout you?" Cato says unconvincingly. His breath smells like alcohol.

"Headache. The music's to loud," I say. I hear footsteps coming from the bathroom in Finnick's hallway.

 "Oh, hey, Clove," Delly says. "Hey, Cato." she winks at him. He glares at her and she stops acting flirty. "I was just going downstairs. You two have fun up here." We both nod and she walks away. As she walks passed me, she reeks of alcohol.

"Cato, we really need to talk," I say before I'm interrupted by him crashing his lips to mine. "What the heck?" I say pulling away from his kiss.

"I don't want to fight anymore, Clove. I love so much. I don't want to change anything we already have," he says pulling me into the room and shutting the door. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the bed. "C'mon, Clove." He starts kissing me again. He starts to kiss my neck.

"No. Stop it. Now," I say getting up off the bed. "I do not want this to happen, Cato. You know that."

 "C'mon," he says. "You can't have any fun. You know that I want this to happen. You know what, never mind. I'm going to go downstairs and have fun with normal people. You have fun being a loser up here. Why don't you go talk to Alex? He might be more your type." He walks out of the room and down the hall. He slams the door as he leaves.

Did he seriously just say that to me? I cannot believe him! He used to be a good boyfriend until this summer. That's when he started wanting things. I didn't know what to do then, and I don't know what to do now. I didn't realize it, but I was crying. I don't cry. Then I start to cry harder.

After about five minutes of me crying the door opens. I look up wiping tears from my eyes and it's Glimmer and Marvel.

"Clove?" Glimmer says walking over to me. "What's the matter?"

"I'm just mad at Cato. He is just being a jerk right now," I say.

"Marvel, you can go back downstairs," Glimmer says. "We just had to get away from all the people," she says turning towards me.

"It's fine. If he wants to stay, he can stay," I say. He shuts the door and moves over to a chair by the window in Finnick's room.

"I'll be here if you need me," Marvel says pulling out his phone.

I tell Glimmer everything that has been going on. We also talk about random things to. It seems like Marvel is acting about enjoying it. I look at the clock and it says that it's '11:30'.

"Do you think people are leaving now?" Marvel asks.

"Hopefully," Glimmer says. "I'm getting somewhat tired. Let's go check." We leave the room and head down the hallway. Right before I go downstairs I hear weird laughter.

"What was that?" I say worried. "It sounds like laughter from a horror movie. And it came from Alex's room."

"Who's Alex?" Marvel asks.

"Finnick's brother," Glimmer says. "I heard that too. Let's go see what it was." Glimmer walks towards Alex's room. The laughter continues. Glimmer grabs his doorknob and opens it. "Annie?"

"Hey, Glim," I hear her call to Glimmer. Marvel and I walk down to Alex's room.

"Oh, hey, Clove. Hey, new kid."

"Hey Annie," we say.

Marvel leans over to me and whispers, "Is she drunk?" I shrug.

 "Seems that way." I nod.

"Are you drunk?" Marvel asks.

"Maybe a little bit, new kid," Annie says.

"Alex!" I yell trying to get his attention. He waves slightly. I roll my eyes. Some boys and their electronics.

"People are leaving now. Finnick wants you guys downstairs soon. And bring Annie," Alex says still not fully acknowledging our presence.

"Thank you for your help, Alex," I say. He doesn't seem to notice I'm speaking to him. "Alien elephants have abducted your family. You have to save the world," I say trying to get his attention. Still nothing. "Look! Selena Gomez is outside your window on the trampoline!"

"What? Where?" He says getting up from his game. I hear death music. "Damn it! Now I have to start the whole half of the game over. You suck, Clove," he says obviously mad at me.

"I'm sorry for not trying to rot your brain. You should really go outside," I say. He just shrugs. Glimmer and Marvel drag Annie downstairs.

"Hello?" Glimmer calls when we don't see anyone.

Hey, guys! I hope you enjoy this story. I only published six parts before this one it's almost at 100 reads! Thank you so much. Some more Clato drama. Imma let y'all know now that Clato is probably my favorite couple in this story, so expect a lot from them, but you'll still get some from the others. I don't have anything else to say except comment and favorite please! I just bit my tongue when I sneezed! Ugh! I didn't update recently because my school's play was last weekend and I was stage manager so I was SUPER busy. I've also got standardized testing next month, so I won't be updating a lot then, but I'll try to update as much as possible. Wow this is long. I'll write for you guys soon!

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