《 his guilty pleasure song 》

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- positively flustered to no end, the darkest blush you've seen him produce on his cheeks

- "asher- must've put that... on there." "uh-huh. sure, davey~"

- ʚ♡ɞ -


fantasy - mariah carey

- he's absolutely shameless about blasting mariah whenever he wants

- yes, he knows all of the words. and yes, he will be dancing

- he fr out here puttin' his whole ashussy- *fucking dies*

-  "talking sweet and looking fine- sing it, babe!!"

- ʚ♡ɞ -


bubble pop electric - gwen stefani

- straight vibing

- if he's in the right state of mind (aka when you're not home), he can absolutely bust a fuckin' move

- you were cloaked one time and witnessed it in its full glory, if only aggro pawing at your legs didn't give you away

- "if i offer you a full body massage and free reign of the tv, you will forget this ever happened." "never in a million years, cariño."

- the solaire clan -


firework - katy perry

- he was your personal cheerleader during the e&e games, staying up with you until the sun began peeking over the horizon

- he personally chose this as your training song, claiming it was solely because it was "on brand with you"

- you were only slightly shocked when he knew all of the words 

- "i- uh-... my sister was obsessed with the song and it just.." "this is a safe place, love. you can admit that you're a katy perry fan."

- ʚ♡ɞ -


it's all coming back to me now - celine dion

- sometimes you just gotta belt it out, yk?

- it takes a while to get him comfortable to feel so careless around you, but you help him. a LOT.

- it's like a scene straight out of a music video

- "darlin'- i don't know...""just roll with it! BABY, BABY, BABY-"

- empowered bois -


i really like you - carly rae jepsen

- this is his ANTHEM when he was crushing on you

- will neither confirm nor deny if he cried to the song while thinking about you

- always a favorite for late night drives though

- "come on, just admit it!" "that is classified information, sunshine."

- ʚ♡ɞ -


umbrella - rihanna

- true, he kept his visits to the human realm short, but he liked visiting when it rained

- there'd be few people in the streets, so he could strut around with no weird glances

- still catches himself humming it, even in the ninth circle of hell

- "when the sun shines, we'll shine together-" "what was that?" "uh. nothing, starlight..."

- unempowered bois -


poker face - lady gaga

- the SMIRK on his face when he catches your eye- GOOD LAAAWD 🔥

- contrary to popular belief, he drags you off the couch 

- literally and metaphorically, he knows how to play all the right cards

- "care for a game of strip poker? offer still stands..."

- ʚ♡ɞ -


party in the u.s.a - miley cyrus

- you teased him for a little, but hey, it's a good song

- great way to unwind after a rough day at work though

- his goofy lil dance moves are the best, and he takes much pride in them (they're not that good, but you refuse to tell him that)

- "ah! no work talk while miley's playing, you know that!" "right. sorry, love."

- ʚ♡ɞ -


material girl - madonna

- it's because he's a broke grad student

- *insert that one tiktok audio- I HAVE 43 CENTSSSS*

- besides you, instant ramen is his one true love

- "cutie, will you marry me?" "no, geordi." "but cutie, i'm... a material gworl!"

- ʚ♡ɞ -


when the party's over - billie eilish

- emotional stability has left the chat

- poor man laying face-first in bed just crying

- you- you might wanna- check on him

- "are you hungry?" "no, i'm full... OF SADNESS."

an organized mess of redacted asmrOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz