the only self-insert you'll ever see me write

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entirely self-indulgent ficlet bc i'm on the brink of collapse due to sleep deprivation and severe need of a werewolf with an aggressive new york accent in my life rn

short and gets lazy toward the end lololol deal with it

i'm so exhuate3d bro i cant do this shoit

"hey, sweetheart." i felt his arms lay themselves across the back of my chair, pressing a chaste kiss to the back of my head. "how's it goin'?"

i lifted my head from where it sat in my hands, attempting to muster up a smile that would probably be better off classified as a grimace. i was suddenly thankful milo couldn't clearly see my face. i clutched my cup tighter, swallowing down my second dosage of coffee for the day, "it's.. certainly going. not particularly well, but it's going."

a low chuckle resonated in his chest. "whatcha workin' on? you've had your eyes on this," he gestured at the ipad sitting in front of me, "thing instead of me all mornin'. least you could do is tell me what you're doin' on it."

i blew out a large breath, wanting to sink into my seat, but my stupid pleated skirt prevented me from doing so. instead, i laughed sarcastically, setting my half empty cup down, "other than stressing myself out? maybe growing a few extra gray hairs." i let my head fall into my palms once more, my retinas tormenting me with a dull ache.

"jeez, you sure sound delighted in your work." his hands found my shoulders, giving them an affectionate squeeze. i reached up to grasp his hand, tracing my fingertips over his knuckles. slowly, i felt my eyes drooping shut and my neck beginning to follow suit. instantly, i was shaking myself awake.

"uh-uh, sweetheart." milo tsked at me, "you clearly need a break." he pinched the bridge of my glasses and slipped them off of my face.

i whined, half-heartedly reaching out to grab them back as my vision went blurry, "hey- i need those."

he scoffed, "not if you're gonna end up passin' out here at the table. how much sleep did you get last night, anyway?" he waved my glasses over my head, as if taunting me with them. my head fell forward into my arms, brushing the screen of my ipad. i let it rest there, the cushion of my forearms almost pulling me to sleep right then and there. my words came out much more slurred than i intended, "..didn't sleep, bu' 'm not g'na pass out-"

"you didn't-?!" a deep breath. "alright. c'mere, you."

my fuzzy brain barely registered that milo had scooped me up into his arms, but on instinct, my fingers grabbed loosely at his shirt. sleepily, my face cuddled into his chest. i didn't even realize we'd reached our bedroom until i was whining softly and making grabby hands because i couldn't feel him anymore.

but a hand slowly running through my decidedly unbrushed hair soothed me almost instantly.

"shh.. relax, sweetheart. i'm here."

as soon as i felt the mattress dip besides me, i rolled over to snuggle close to him. milo's scent held the faintest trace of his cologne, and the stubborn cat hair that clung to his shirt, despite how often he tried to pick it off, lightly tickled my nose as i buried myself into him. his arms engulfed me easily; one hand rested on my hip, the other laid under my head as a pillow.

"you seriously need to start gettin' more sleep, you know that? you'll be passin' out at work if this sleep strike you seem to be on continues."

a sluggish nod and soft hum were all i could give in return as my eyelids grew heavier the longer my body laid still. it wasn't unwelcome; i could physically feel myself slipping into a blissful unconsciousness.

milo chuckled quietly, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to my temple as i slowly drifted off to sleep.

"dream easy, sweetheart. i'll be right here when you wake up."

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