Chapter 12: The Station

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Nick just shot the man on the bridge and we run to the station.

We eventually reaches the station house at the end of the bridge. Rebecca sits down on a rock.

Rebecca: Who the fuck... was that back there?

Luke: I don't know.

Alvin: Looked like he had a gun on you.

Nick: That asshole drew on me! He was about to shoot.

Luke: Oh, was he?

Nick: I'm telling you, man, he drew first.

Luke: Well, that's not what it looked like to me.

Y/N: Nick shut the fuck up!

Alvin: What did you see, kids? Was that guy gonna shoot?

Nick: Fuck you, Luke. You've been on my case the whole week.

Luke: And why do you think that is, Nick?

Nick: Because you're an asshole?

Clem: He wasn't gonna do anything.

Nick: I know what I saw.

Luke: Either way, you coulda hit one of us.

Nick: Yeah, but I didn't.

Luke: Look, I... I know Pete was close to you, Nick, but you can't--

Nick: Don't fucking talk about him.

Carlos: Do you think he was with Carver?

Luke: I don't know. I... No. I don't think so. But he fell over.

Alvin: He fell off the damn bridge?

Carlos: We have to keep moving.

Rebecca: I can't. I need a minute.

Carlos: Fine. Luke, can I talk to you alone?

Luke and Carlos walk away.

Alvin: Hey, kids, you got anything to eat? Bec's dyin' here.

Rebecca: Alvin, I told you, I'm fine.

Clem: Sorry, I'm out.

Y/N: Me too.

Alvin: Wish we still had those juice boxes.

Sarah: Yeah, me too.

Clem: That man said he had food in the station.

Alvin: Mind checkin' it out? Maybe we could spend the night here. Little small for us, though.

Rebecca: You could use a little downsizin'.

Alvin: You're one to talk.

Y/N: Sure.

Alvin: Thanks, kids.

Before we walk to the station we talk to Nick.

Nick: I had to kill my mom. That sounds weird when I say it out loud, huh? Luke always used to push me. I never wanted to go into business with him. I remember when he sold me on it. His big plan. Some fuckin' plan. A case of beer in, he just said, (imitating Luke) "Nick, we're burnin' daylight." (normal voice) And that was that. After six months, we were flat broke. But I didn't care. We were havin' fun. I wish I was like him. I wish I could just keep movin' all the time. But I'm just not...built like that. I'm sure they're talkin' about me right now. (imitating Carlos) "Luke, he is becoming a danger to the group!" (normal voice) So, who was that guy? I swear, it looked like he was holdin' you guys up. I figured he was with Carver.

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