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Elsewhere, Nana kwame was lying helplessly on the shores of the coast and thought that was the end of it all. He said to himself, "I think it is time for me to go to the other world. At least it is better to die on the shores than to be killed by a priest." The sun from the sky was turning dim to his sight, about to give up his spirit and fell unconscious.

Some explorers from britain arrived at the coast and saw Nana kwame lying unconscious and being wounded. One of the men said,"I'm sure they wanted to kill him, and luckily he survived. Because you can see the bullet behind his shoulder."

"So what are we going to do? Because if they come here and they find out he's still alive they'd surely harm him," said the others. So they decided to take him to one of their rest rooms and to be taken care of the doctors they brought along. After several hours of treatment he finally regained consciousness. He jumped immediately he saw and realised the people around him were different. He wondered where he was and if he had the slightest chance he would take to his heels.
One of the doctors went closer to him but Nana kwame was talking in a gibberish manner to the doctor. The doctor himself realised he was an illiterate and also did not understand English. Luckily they had someone who was able to understand Nana Kwame's local dialect because he was from his village. So they made him the interpreter of whatever Nana kwame would say.
So the interpreter went to Nana kwame and asked him what landed him wounded on the shore. Nana Kwame burst into tears and narrated everything to the interpreter. The interpreter went from Nana kwame and narrated everything to his colleagues. The Reverend felt really sad for him and decided to adopt him as his son. (At that time Nana Kwame was just sixteen years old).

Reverend Wilson adopted Nana Kwame as his son. He introduced him to the Christian religion, teaching him and nurturing him about the bible and how it all started. Yet in all these nurturing Nana Kwame was put into the state of confusion, on whether to believe this or not because he was nurtured in the  traditional religion since he was born. He was finding it really difficult to convert to the Christian religion. He then realised the Christian religion does not demand the sacrifice of a human or animal as compared to the traditional religion. Also he saw that Christianity was somehow free.

As soon as he realised this he quickly said the sinners prayer and allowed himself to be baptised. Reverend Wilson
suggested that Nana Kwame should be taken to England and educated. So that he can speak English fluently and also trained to be civilised. Reverend Wilson went with him into the ship to set for a whole new adventure of education and new life style in England. Nana Kwame got nervous as he entered the ship for he has not travelled by water before.

Meanwhile, Reverend Wilson signed some papers to legally change the name of Nana Kwame to Nathaniel. For his belief was that he was given to them for a particular purpose. Nathaniel was astonished when he saw different kinds of foodstuffs in the ship. He attempted tasting some of the food and he almost vomited, for this was his first time eating these kinds of food. He said in his dialect,"Eeww what's this." The people in the ship saw the look on his face and began to mock him. They said,"This is what happens when you're uncivilised."

He left their presence and went upstairs to take a shower. Unfortunately, he spoilt the shower by trying on his own without any orientation. He began to feel restless upon seeing this and finally called for help. Some ruthless men and the captain of the ship got furious and called Rev. Wilson into their chamber. The said to him,"Father, we respect you but this has gone too far. He's an illiterate and he's uncivilised for crying out loud. He has just began to destroy the resources in the ship. Who knows, maybe he might sink us one day....." Reverend Wilson replied,"He isn't going to do anything just relax...." They said,"If you know what's good for you, your family and ministry know how to deal with that pest."

Nathaniel was given new clothes to try on, when he tried it he felt like he was suffocating because they were kind of tight on him. He began to act weird and nervous like he should tear the dress. Everyone in the ship was watching him and realised he was uncivilised. After a few hours later Nathaniel began to feel uneasy and began vomiting. He felt dizzy and eventually fainted. They quickly took him to his room and called the doctors to attend to him.

Upon seeing this some men in the ship were excited to see what was happening to him. Some wished he died so that he'd be thrown to the sea. The captain said, "At long last the trouble maker is sick. Our ship would have rest." Reverend Wilson got angry and said,"Trippier, what do you think you're doing?! Celebrating that an innocent soul is sick!" The captain replied,"Oh please, if someone wants to kill you today won't you run and hide or even defend yourself? Man, this guy has been a thorn in our flesh and has been stupid as a hyena. He has to go."

Without uttering a word Wilson left his presence. He walked a distance, turned to them and said,"May the heavens use your words against you this day" and he left them. Reverend Wilson went to the doctors to find out how Nathaniel was doing. They told him Nathaniel is suffering from sea sickness and that he'd be okay in a few days time. The doctors left the room and Wilson went to Nathaniel. Nathaniel asked him when was he going to see his family. Wilson sighed and said,"I'm sending you to England to study more about life and what goes on around in the world. Going back to your land right now will be a disaster, because they want you dead. Nathaniel thought to himself, "Maybe they might have killed my family and wiped them from the face of the earth." His eye balls began to produce salty water due to the emotional pain he felt in his heart. Tears began to flow massively from his eyes.

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