"I was always clear with you Eda. You should have thought about it before marrying me. I told you, my decision is final for now. I don't want to even think about kids for next 2-3 years. After that, I will make a decision." He said picking up his phone angrily.

"You can't be serious Serkan. What the hell?" Eda said shouting. Serkan didn't reply just turned around to leave the room.

"Where are you going? We have to go the Ceren's birthday party in 2 hours." Eda asked surprised seeing him pick up the car keys.

"I am not coming. You can go Eda. I need to be alone for some time." He said leaving the room.

"Serkan...." She shouted but he was long gone.

Eda sobbed for a long time wondering how come Serkan was still on that stage. She thought he might have changed his feelings about kids after a few months of happy marriage but she was wrong.

It was 30 minutes left for them to go the party. She had tried calling him a few times but he hadn't picked up. She even messaged him but there were no replies.

Sadly, she got ready herself, with no mood to go, but it was her best friends' birthday party and she had no choice but to go alone.

She did heavy makeup hiding her swollen eyes and drove to Ceren's party venue.

"Dada, where's Eniste?" Melo asked as soon as she entered alone.

"Umm he had some urgent work. He couldn't come." Eda lied not wanting to tell her friends the reason about their fight.

Everyone enjoyed the party, celebrating Eda's birthday but all Eda did was wait for Serkan to pick up the call or reply to her messages. She sent him messages again and again asking if he was going to come to the party.

It was the first time they had a disagreement to such extent that Eda felt really lonely. He had skipped an event because of their disagreement and told Eda to go alone and she had no clue where he was. She was sitting at a side, not really in a mood to party. Time and again, she looked at the door hoping Serkan would come.

When it was quite late, and Eda was sure he wouldn't come now, and her friends had noticed her stress but didn't ask her too much, took her to have drinks.

She resisted at first but then drank a shot or two, picking up a bottle of beer and going to sit by Ceren's pool, wanting some alone time without the loud music.

She dipped her feet in the pool and just as she closed her eyes, she heard a voice.
"Eda. What are you doing here alone?"

This wasn't the voice she wanted to hear. She opened her eyes and looked back. Her old best friend Deniz, who she hadn't seen in years was standing by her side.

"Deniz. Wayy. I didn't know you were in Istanbul." She said smiling a little.

"I couldn't miss Ceren's birthday for the 5th time in a row. I had to come. Anyways. How are you... uhmm Mrs. Bolat is it?" Deniz said chuckling and smirking.

"Ne? What's wrong with that?" Eda asked frowning.

"Well, I didn't expect you to marry a cold ass robot who didn't even accompany you to your friends' party. How did you change your preferences so much Edacim?" Deniz said chuckling and sitting down next to her, folding his jeans a little to dip in his feet as well.

"Well. I fell in love to start with. And don't call my husband a cold robot. Only I can call him that." Eda said giggling, the effect of alcohol definitely showing up.

"What happened? Are you okay? Why are you sitting her alone?" Deniz asked cautiously.

"Nothing. I am okay." Eda replied back.

Edser In Love Where stories live. Discover now