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Thankyou for the prompt @DaleenAbusaad .
I hope you feel I did justice to your idea.

Brace yourself for a long OS.

After a long sex session, Eda laid quietly in Serkan's arms who was gently caressing her arms and back. He had covered both of them with sheets and Eda was almost half asleep. They were both supposed to be in a party in a few hours and the evening winds coming through their bedroom window was making her shiver a little.

"Serkan?" She said softly drawing his attention back to her. She had been thinking about having this conversation with him since a few weeks now, not finding the right time to have it though.

It had been happy 8 months of their marriage and Eda was really ready and eager to take their marriage to next level now.

"Effendim sweetheart?" Serkan said kissing her hair as Eda's head was on his chest.

"Serkan. I was thinking. I mean I want to stop taking the birth control pills." Eda said hesitantly.

"Tamam. No issues. I have told you so many times before askim, if you are not comfortable taking the pills, I will use condoms. I am completely okay with it baby." Serkan replied really casually caressing her back.

"Serkan. That's not what I meant. I am thinking.. like I am ready to take our marriage one step forward.. I mean I think maybe we can stop the birth control measures and try for a baby." Eda said hesitant again and Serkan's hand on her back stilled.

"Eda." He said moving her to the side a little and sitting up. Eda sat up as well and searched for her bra, only to find his shirt lying around and she quickly wore it, leaving it half unbuttoned.

Serkan's face was completely white and Eda felt really worried.

"Serkan. We are on the same page right? You are ready to have kids as well, right?" Eda asked scared that his face and stiff body, hands in his lap was telling a completely different story.

"Edaa. We haven't talked about it since our marriage. But you do know I am not really a big fan of having kids. I mean before falling in love with you, I didn't even want kids. And you know it very well. I have told you a lot of times before marriage." He said sternly, his eyes away from Eda's face which was creasing more with worry lines.

"Ama Serkan I thought it was before our marriage. I thought you would change your mind after our marriage. I mean we have been in so much love, and I thought you would want a family with me. I really want kids Serkan." She let out as tears rolled down her face.

"Eda. It's not that. I mean I do want kids. Or I don't know. I can't decide. But not now, not in the next 2-3 years. I am not ready Eda." He said standing up and wearing his trackpants.

"Ama. 2-3 years is a really long time Serkan. And you are not sure about having kids at all?" She asked shocked.

"Eda, I thought you knew this before marriage and I thought you were okay with that." Serkan said desperately.

"Serkaaan. I thought you would change your mind. I never thought you wouldn't want kids." She said sobbing.

"Don't cry Eda. And no I haven't thought about it. I haven't changed my mind yet. I mean I never pondered about it since our marriage. Eda, we still have so many things to do. You even have to complete your studies, there's holding and Artlife and then we still have so many countries we want to travel to. I can't let a baby ruin our goals and dreams." Serkan said picking up another tshirt from the wardrobe.

"Serkaannn!! How can you say like that? A child doesn't ruin our dreams and goals. It's made with love. We.. I always wanted us to have a big family." She said crying again not believing that Serkan really didn't want children.

Edser In Love Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora