Classic chuckles, "figures Cross and Epic would be the first ones to take the stage, they aren't even drunk."

Red just shakes his head and eyes Geno's bottle. "I wish I was going."

Geno downs his sake and pours another as Epic takes the stage to sing Freaks. A glance around showed the more perceptive Sanses looking a little uncomfortable. "I think most of us wish we could go Red. Either because we actually care or because they don't want to be stuck here if they can't get him back."

Classic squirts some ketchup into his mouth nodding. "So do we have a backup plan if this doesn't work? I am sure Nightmare's crew does. I am not too fond of the idea of Paps facing my consequences for being a lazy apathetic bastard."

When Epic does a backflip off the stage Cross and Killer cheer and he gets a round of applause. While the band moves into Castle of Glass.

Red shrugs, "I think we just finished building plan B didn't we? Even if Nightmare doesn't bring Error back. Well it is still a multiverse portal generator." Taking out a mustard bottle he eyes Geno's sake with envy.

When the band takes a break Geno grins seeing the boys getting ready for a dance off. "Looks like Killer challenged Dance to a dance off. He always did take getting banned personally. My g is on Nightmare's boys by the way."

Classic eyes Dust's obvious pregnancy belly and grins. "If it is just the team and not Nightmare himself you're on."

Red looks over to see DanceFell Sans and DanceSwap Sans backing Dance up and laughs. "I am staying out of it with Dance, Hop, and DanceBerry, Fox that is an awful nickname teaming up and the murder time trio. Eh it could go either way they are all pretty athletic for Sanses."

Geno smirks and puts, fifth g on the table. "On the table Classic I don't take IOUs like Grilby."

Red chuckles, amused by their banter but more watches the DanceTale AUs do rather poorly as a team having not worked together before their timing is off and they have no sense of where their teammates are. Nightmare's boys on the other hand were killing it with perfect timing, team work, and spatial orientation, even with Dust looking due any minute. They never missed a beat. "Sans you can say goodbye to your g. Geno, how did you know?"

Classic sighs handing over the g. "How is that even possible? Let alone with Dust that big?"

Geno laughs, "lessons and practice. Nightmare decided years ago that it was the safest way to teach them teamwork and spatial orientation. It wasn't enough to stay away from each other in battle, they needed to be able to work together without accidentally hurting each other. As for Dust, I just don't know, probably stayed in practice while Blue was busy."

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