"Well, to be fair, I married into it."

"That you did. And now, we're taking it back," Snow white said. Smiling, she took a step toward The Evil Queen. "And you are coming with us."

"You can't be serious."

"Everyone out there is scared and confused. They need hope. What better way to do that then to return united? You're coming with us. I know you don't like it. You'll learn to. For our good. For yours."

Prince Charming said to Phillip and Aurora, "Thank you again for your hospitality. We should begin preparations."

"Good luck to all of you," Prince Philip told them. Prince Charming, The Evil Queen, Hook, Jackie, Matthew and Snow White walked away.

Aurora, in a worried tone, said, "You know we can't pretend this didn't happen. They've returned. We have to tell her."

"Aurora, we can't. You know what'll happen to them. What she'll do," Philip warned.

"We both know if she ever found out we hid this, she would take it out on our child. We have no choice. She has to know. We have to trust that they can take care of themselves. It's not up to us to save them."


The man returned and sat down again. He noticed Emma reading Matthew's note.

"Hey. What's that?" the man asked as he sat.

Emma pocketed the paper. "Nothing." A waiter served Emma a dessert.

"Hope you're still hungry."

"Walsh, I couldn't eat another bite."

"You remember our first date? You were being you." Walsh chuckled. "So I couldn't swing a dinner. I brought you here for lunch, which didn't stop you from ordering an ice-cream sundae, which wasn't on the menu. I bribed the chef. They made one up."

"I remember. I was nervous. Now I'm full."

"Will you at least look at it?" He turned the sundae around so that Emma could see an engagement ring placed on the plate. "Emma, I don't want to freak you out, but I couldn't wait any longer. I love you. I love Henry. I love our lives together and I wanna have a future together." He stood and knelt down, taking Emma's hand. "Emma Swan, will you marry me?"


Emma left the restaurant. Walsh caught up with Emma and said, "I thought the worst thing that could happen was you'd say no but I never thought you'd walk out on the bill."

"Walsh," Emma called.

"No, no, no. I was gonna pay. It was- I'm kidding."

"I'm sorry. This wasn't- You just took me by surprise. That's all. A lot of things took me by surprise tonight."

"Look, surprise was kind of part of the plan but I can see now it was not a great plan. So-"

"Doesn't it all just seem a little fast to you? I mean, we've only been together eight months. I've had leftovers in my fridge for longer than that."

"I know. I threw them out. Might have saved your life."

"How do you," she paused, "we," she paused again, "know that this is right?"

"Emma, speaking for myself, I've known this was right since the moment you walked into my furniture shop. Why do you think your order was ready two weeks early?"

"You commitment to excellence?"

Walsh chuckled. "I couldn't wait to ask you out. It seemed the most non stalkery way to speed things up."

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