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Advice Request
This person wants their crush to admit their feelings.

Answered Submission

As much as we may wish (and as much as movies might say), there is not really a way to make someone confess their feelings. Not a good one, at least. No plan is truly foolproof, and so in a situation like this, you're much more likely to end up with your crush never telling you at all should you do something to try and "make him".

Don't listen to Hollywood. Trying to make him jealous will most likely not make him suddenly confess. Your best bet is to try spending more time with him. Talk to him at school, ask him to hang out one-on-one (not necessarily a date unless mutually agreed upon) or in a group, etc. Spending time together is important for any type of relationship to flourish and be healthy, so it is equally important for building a stronger foundation with your crush.

Engaging in meaningful conversation is another way that goes hand-in-hand with quality time. Car rides while he's driving you home are a great time for both of these, even if the ride isn't very long. Talk about each other's day, things you're passionate about (make sure to ask him about things he's passionate about or what he wants to do) or silly stories about what's happening in your lives. Sharing time and conversation brings people together, and so if you want you and your crush to get closer, that's a great way to do it.

In the end, though, there is no way to guarantee that he'll ask you out. At some point, you may find yourself having to put down your old-school mentality and ask him out yourself!

Fun fact, a lot of guys actually find that really attractive. And even if you don't end up asking him out, spending time and sharing conversation with him should be fun for you both anyway.

I hope this helps, love. I wish you the best of luck in your romantic endeavors!

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