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I still can't believe it's her, we tried finding her for over six months well Tank and I did. Jax gave up after four months and started going out with a girl. He is trying to forget her, so I started going out with girls and so did Tank. I know he didn't have sex with that girl he told me he can't even touch another girl, I know what he means yeah I have been out with them, after the first one I took out she tried kissing me and all I could see was my mystery girl face. It didn't take long for us to figure out Tank's girl, was the same one Jax and I had sex with he was fine with it so were we. I don't mind sharing and I know that I would have to if we ever found her and she wanted date us. Keegan just called us telling me Tank is at the clinic because his crazy ass girlfriend put something in his drink. He said Harper is the one that found him in her bathroom she had a big family dinner and Hendrix invited me and Jax but I didn't go and he was out with a girl. That's another thing we all found out, that girl I tied up in the gym that day was Harper not Amy.

We all thought it was her, I don't know why she didn't tell her family about it but we are glad she didn't since Keegan's mom and us are in business with them. They decided to not have fights at the gym anymore, they just let employees go and use it. Before she left she changed her looks got rid of her glasses and got clothes that fit, even some makeup but she doesn't need makeup she is gorgeous with out it. Even when I was putting her in the chair I couldn't help touching her face. I just felt something and now I know why because it was her. I pull up at the same time as Jax does and he still has his date with him. "Really man," I glare at him, "Hey I was talking her home when Keegan called me and the clinic was on the way back out of town," he snaps at me, well at least he this girl isn't from our town, only because he doesn't want to run into her after he's done with her. We go inside and I can hear women talking up front, Keegan let us in the side door closer to Tank's room. We go in the room and Tank is pail but he seems to be okay. It looks like he is sleeping in off, I look around the room and see Lacy is in one of the recliner chairs trying to sleep Gray is in the other chair by Tank's bed and Keegan is coming in behind us, Hendrix is sitting on the foot of Tank's bed "what did she give him?" Jax asks, I look at him and I see his date came with him.

Keegan shakes his head, "she said all she gave him was a roofie but Julia is going to take his blood and make sure," he replies, just then Harper comes in with some tubes and stuff, I see Jax stiffen he probably didn't know she was going to be here, I figured she would be since it happened at her house. She is so fucking gorgeous and hot even with her hair put up in a messy bun, her t-shirt is a little big I clench my fist because it's a guy's shirt she has on work out pants. I see her look at us and I can't tell by the look on her face what she is thinking, she sets her stuff on the table by the bed and puts gloves on,"what are you doing you can't take his blood," Keegan snaps at her, she raises her one eyebrow at him then looks at her brother, "it's okay she knows what she is doing," Hendrix tells him, "No I want Julia to do it!" he says, Harper takes off one of her gloves and gets out her phone "Aunt Julia can you please tell Keegan that you sent me to take Tank's blood and I know what I am doing please!" she puts it on speakerphone "Keegan Harper has been working here since her freshman year of high school and Dr white and my self have taught her everything trust me she knows just as much as I do and has full privileges to help a patient or give shots to or take blood to any of the patients," Julia tells him, "Thanks aunt Julia," Harper tells her aunt, she hangs up the phone"Happy, now can I get started,? She is looking at Keegan, he doesn't say anything just nods his head.

She takes the other glove off and washes her hands and then she puts new ones back on and gets his blood and Julia was right she knows what she is doing, just then the two cops come in and both of them are young, the one doing the talking has a wedding band on and isn't looking at Harper in a sexual way, while he is talking to her but the other one is looking at her like he can't wait to get her alone, I look at Gray and Keegan to see if they noticed and yep they do because they look pissed, I hear a sound next to me and Jax's fists are clenched and he is glaring at the cop who keeps looking at Harper, I don't think he even realizes he is doing it or that he made a sound, I am the only one who heard it. They tell us that all they got out of Tank's girlfriend was the same thing she told

Hendrix at the house. So Tank will be fine but until we get his blood work back he will be staying here. Harper goes back out of the room and Jax follows her, fuck I go out and see him go in the room with her where they keep the blood samples, I come in and shut the door she is looking at us and waiting Jax's doesn't waste any time "who the fuck was that guy to you are you fucking him? Is that why he was looking like he wanted to take you in a room and make you scream," Jax is breathing hard and a muscle is ticking in his cheek. I just shake my head, Jax has a temper and he doesn't always think about what he says, Harper just looks at him then she laughs, well that makes Jax mad and he gets up closer to her "I don't have to tell you anything about what I do or who I have sex with, you have a girl in the next room and you have the nerve to ask me about the cop, not that it's any of your business but no I am not fucking him tonight is the first time I have seen him," she says in a calm voice, she looks at me "Are you here to back him up and ask me some more questions if not then I need to get this done," she is glaring at me, "No I don't want to ask you anything," she starts to turn around but Jax grabs her arm and the next thing I know he is kissing her she pushes against his chest I am getting ready to stop him but she takes care of that, she grabs his cock and she isn't easy about it, "fuck Harper," Jax says, he steps back a little so he can see her face, "Get away from me why don't you go kiss the girl you brought to the clinic," he doesn't say anything else he just turns around and leaves, she looks at me "Well do you have anything you want to say? She asks me, there's a lot I want to say but not here, so I shake my head and leave, I am going to her house and have a little chat with her and it's going to be soon.

Harper's HaremOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant