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Sitting in a booth with two of my best friends, at Tanks moms bar and restaurant Axel and Jax can't come tonight. listening to Tank talk about a girl he hooked up with from here the night before he was telling us how gorgeous and sexy she was "I have never felt anything like that it was the best sex I have ever had," he says, "so you have no idea who she was you didn't ask her what her name was?" Keegan asks, Tank shakes his head "no man I am telling you it's like my brain turned off and my cock was in charge, I have never had that happened before," I have never seen him like this before he has been, running his fingers through his hair and he hasn't slept yet, he is going with Keegan to help Keegan's mom get some stuff ready we are going into business with Hendrix's, family they own a lot of business in this town, but they are amazing people, they also own the gym we go to and we have fight night there, we usually have a fight every Friday night but something was wrong with the water last night so they canceled it, and I don't know if they will open it back up again.

"I can't believe you let a girl do this to you get you this worked up," I say as I look at him "trust me I can't believe it either, I almost lost it when she touched my cock and embarrassed myself, and when she did give me a blow job I was thinking about doing multiplication in my head so I could last longer, I am telling you she had my cock almost all the way in her mouth, and she could take all of it when we had sex," Keegan Whistles, Tank is a big guy he has to turn sideways sometimes to get through a door way because of his shoulders, and yeah he has a big dick, not that I look at my best friends dick but when we take a shower at the gym it's not something you can miss, I am surprised this girl could take all of him, like he said no one has ever been able too, he was with Lacy once and she couldn't take all of his dick, and she didn't like giving

him blow job's because he was big and she would gag a lot, so he hasn't been with anyone else, that I know of so I can see why he wants to find this girl, Keegan and I share a girl Lacy, but we broke it off with her a couple of weeks ago she was getting to possessive, she knew from the start that this thing we have was just for fun, we did tell her that we would only have sex with her while we were with her, but she came to see us the night before and Tank didn't want to see her so that's why he was here that night, Lacy asked for another chance so we are going to try it, but I don't really feel it she wanted to have sex with both of us last night and I wasn't in the mood so I went to bed, Keegan didn't look that happy when he left the bedroom this morning either,

Tank's mom Rena comes over to our table "Hello boys, she looks at Tank "what happened with the gorgeous woman from the night before? Please at least tell me you got her number?" Tank actually blushes his mom laughs "I know you have it bad for this girl," she looks at us " He couldn't keep his eyes off of her, well hell everyone was looking at her," I make a nickering sound she looks at me"oh you don't believe me," she takes out her phone "mom you took her picture," Tank sounds horrified, "No of course not, do I look like a stocker? I was looking at the Security camera to see if that new girl was talking Jacks tips and it got a picture of her," she holds the phone so we can see and it shows Rena talking to her at the bar, and Tank was telling the truth she is gorgeous, and when she smiles at Rena, it's like it takes your breath away, Keegan was taking a drink when she was smiling at Rena and got choked on it, Rena pound's his back shaking her head "Well  anyway" she points her finger at Tank, "You need to find her and make her your girlfriend before someone else does, she is the one for you I can tell, well you boys behave," she gives us a hug and leaves, I look at Tank and he doesn't look shocked at the thought, "Do you want a relationship with this girl?" Keegan asks him, he nods his head yeah "I really would like to get to know her and have more than just sex, but the sex is a bonus, I was going to ask if you were done with Lacy we could find out what this girl, thinks about having more then one guy," he shrugs his shoulders "I saw her leave this morning so I figured you got back together with her," he says, "Yeah but I don't know how long that's going to last for me I didn't even want to have sex with her last night," I tell them, "Yeah it wasn't that good I just couldn't get into it I finally just told her I was tired and to go to sleep," Keegan says, he looks at his watch "okay time to go and help mom and Tori," he looks at me "I will see you later?" He says,

I nod my head and wait I am sad that they might not have fight night anymore. Keegan is the one that got me into fighting as a way to get rid of my anger that I have had since I was sixteen mo old man, he wasn't a good husband or father, my mom finally had enough and left we moved in next door to Keegan and Tori and we were best friends in no time he is the one that got out little group together, we were missing two but now we are all here again some things he knows not to tell me what to do especially when it comes to girls, or anything I am not comfortable with, I get to the gym and I walk by the ring and think about that Amy girl, I still felt bad about what happened to her, we didn't want to take her we just didn't know how to get her computer and phone she didn't have any of her school work on it, I don't know what it is but when I untied her and looked at her, I felt something I can't describe, and when I looked at that picture of Tank's mysterious girl I felt the same thing, like she's pulling me to her.

I still can't believe, Tank found someone that could take all of him, I am happy for him and he said he was willing to share if she was into that kind of relationship but I don't think she wants five guys well four if Keegan isn't interested in her, I am going to try with Lacy but I just don't feel anything for her, so I don't know what will happen. Maybe if Tank can find this mystery girl I can get to know her and see where it goes.

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