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We are sitting in the food court and by we I mean Tori and Ember. I tell them about what happened at the restaurant. "I can't believe my brother is being such an asshole! Oh, and his friends just go along with what he says.", Tori says as she rolls her eyes. I nod, "Yeah, I noticed that, it's like he is the boss or something," Ember laughs. "Yeah, he is. I have seen them at the gym on fight night and he is always telling the big dude how to hit someone, like he doesn't know." "Okay enough talking about my idiot brother. So, what did you get in Victoria's Secret?" We spend another hour at the mall then we go to my house and have a girls night. Tori is leaving in the morning, and won't be back until after she graduates,

I hear the alarm clock going off, I roll over and hit the stop on my phone. Going down stairs and fixing breakfast for Tori and Ember. After we get done they have to leave, so I go upstairs and take a shower. I am just getting dressed when I get a text. I don't recognize the number. I probably shouldn't open it but I do. It's from one of Tori's brother's friends wanting to know if I will meet him at the gym before they go back. He said they want to talk to me about a surprise party for Tori. I don't know what to think about that, they have been rude and harass me at work, but maybe they found out we are friends. I will go and see what they want, I don't think they will do anything to hurt me.

When I get to the gym I go to the back door. As I make my way to the office, I walk by the bathroom door when suddenly someone grabs me from behind. Before I can even react everything goes black. When I open my eyes I am in the middle of the fighting ring in a chair with my hands tied behind my back and tape over my mouth. I look up and there is a huge dude with tattoos on his arms and I see one on his neck.He is intimidating standing in front of me. He reminds me of Rio from the show "Good Girls" only a lot bigger. His hair is dark and his eyes are so dark they look black. He is friends with Tori's brother and there is another friend she said was coming home today. I think Axel has been in jail for something he didn't do. I heard my parents talking about it, saying he took the fall for his best friend because he was under 18. Okay, so why did I fall for this? I am an intelligent woman and should have known they were not genuine and seriously inviting me. Now I am probably going to at least get beaten up. He just keeps staring at me. His phone rings, "Yeah, I need you guys to come to the gym. I have that little package you wanted.", he says. He puts his phone back in his pocket and just keeps watching me. It's kind of weird how he keeps looking at me. I don't know how much time goes by, it feels like forever but probably has only been ten minutes.

I can hear them coming. I have a pretty good idea who he was talking to, but when they walk in I know for sure. Tori's brother and his two friends. They look at me and smile and I don't have a good feeling about this. "Well, not so smart now are you." Tori's brother says. I see the quiet guy come in and go to my bag and get my computer and phone. He comes over and holds my phone up to my face so it would unlock. "What's your password for the computer?" He rips the tape off my mouth and it hurts like a bitch but I don't make a sound. The one that's always in charge, Tori's brother, comes closer. "What's the password?" I don't have anything on my laptop I just bought it and was setting it up, "I don't have one.", I tell him. He laughs, "For someone who is supposed to be smart you sure are dumb." I didn't respond. A few minutes later his tattooed friend comes over, "It doesn't have anything on it, her phone doesn't either," he tells him. "Shit," he looks at me, "Maybe you are smart." He is still smiling and I don't think I am going to like what he has to say.

I notice the other big guy and the quiet one talking. They were coming out of the office. "Look at me," Tori's brother says. I look at him and he laughs, "Did you really think you had a chance with any of us? You are not our type and we like our women experienced and you are still a little girl, who we will never touch." Before I could even respond we hear a thud and I look over and the big guy is laying on the floor. "Shit!", Tori's brother says. He runs over and I hear the guy who is quiet yell asking where his epiPen is. They couldn't find it and he didn't look good. "Hey," I yell at them but only the one with the tattoos looks over at me. "I'm allergic to nuts. So I always carry an epiPen it's in my bag in the zipper pocket get it," He runs over and gets it out of my bag and takes it over and stab's it in his friend's leg. It takes a few minutes but you can see he is breathing a little better. "What the hell did he eat?" tattoo guy is looking at the quiet one. "He ate some of those cookies on the desk that Lacy made for us." "She knows he is allergic to coconut," the quiet one snaps back.

I just watch them, the big guy is doing better he is sitting up, "why the fuck would she put coconut milk in those cookies,? He is asking Tori's brother, "I don't know she probably forgot you know how she is about sweet stuff she try's making it healthy," I keep watching how he is breathing and he finally stands up. He goes outside Tori's brother follows him, they obviously don't want to hurt me, they thought I was Amy. Finally the quiet guy comes over, he is gorgeous, he looks a lot like the guy that plays in 365 This day, the one she runs off with, he has dark hair he keeps it cut short his eyes are green, but with him this close I can see they are a darker green today and why do I keep referring to thees guys looking like actors, "I will come back for you later," he tells me then puts the tape back on my mouth, I can't fucking believe this I understand they are worried about the big guy, I don't know how long it's been since they left finally the one with the tattoos comes and takes the tape off my mouth, and he goes behind me and takes off the zippy ties I rub my wrist's he is looking at me, "don't tell anyone about tonight or you will regret it," I just nod my head yes "get out of here," he doesn't have to tell me twice.

I get in my car and I understand why they did it, they thought I was Amy, that stupid girl but I am furious, if they think I am just going to forget about it they are wrong, I think they should give it up already, if anyone should be mad it's Tori and she seems to be okay, I get a message and it's from them, (I meant what I said, don't say anything, that's it no thank you for helping his friend if I hadn't had my epiPen he probably would have died, or close to it, what a bunch of assholes I will think of something to them, paybacks are a bitch.

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