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   Thanksgiving is over and we are getting all of my Christmas decorations out, it's been a couple of good months and we are so happy, sometimes I worry about Keegan because he gets this look on his face like he isn't happy, I really need to talk to him, he has been staying at the library and studying. He says he can't do it at home because I distract him, to much I don't know if I believe him or not he could go into the bedroom I have a desk and I wouldn't bother him.

That's where he is tonight, he didn't come home for dinner so I thought I would take him some. I make it to the library and go inside I don't see him right away, I look over and see him sitting at a table but to my surprise he isn't alone, Lacy of all people is standing behind him rubbing his shoulders and they are laughing. He told me that he wanted nothing more to do with her. Was it all just a lie and he thought he would see what it was like being in a relationship with someone and sharing me with his friends. They still haven't seen me yet so I take a picture so I can show the others, did they know about this and didn't tell me. I don't know what to think I am hurt that he is here laughing with her, when he says he can't study at home because of me, but it doesn't look like he's is studying now, Lacy leans down and kisses his cheek close to his lips and I hold my breath. He turns his head and kisses her, I must make a noise because he looks up and sees me and he moves away from her. "Harper what are you doing here?" He asks, the nerve of this asshole, "I thought I would bring you dinner since you said you were studying and wouldn't be home for dinner." Lacy has moved to the other side of the table and has sat back down. "Looks like I'm not the only distraction you have." I tell him, he starts to say something I hold up my hand, "Save it you can come and get your stuff then I want you out of my room, if you were not happy with what we have going then you should have told me, not tell me I was a distraction then come here and not tell me you were with your ex girlfriend and making out with her." I am so hurt and stupid I should have known he didn't mean it when he said he loved me.

Did the others feel this way too? I turn around and almost make it to the door, when he grabs my arm, I turn and look at him, he looks guilty "Harper please it's not what you think it is," he says, "So you weren't letting your ex girlfriend touch you and kiss you oh and not tell me that you were going to be here with her." I shake my head, "You should have just told me you were unhappy and we could have talked about it and stayed friends, just answer me one thing, did the other guys know?" I ask, he shakes his head no. Well that's something I guess, "Try and have your stuff out of my room before later tonight, if you would just have been honest with me," I shake my head and l leave. He hollers my name but I don't stop. I get in my car and drive home. When I get home I find all my guys in the kitchen cleaning up, "Hey baby what's wrong?" Tank is the first one to see me. I start crying and they all come over and hug me. So I tell them what happened and then I showed them the picture I took. "I am going to kick his ass." Grayson says, "So am I what the hell was he thinking." Axel says, "So none of you knew about him seeing her again or studying with her?" I ask them, "No we didn't know he has been acting differently this week." Jax says, yes I had noticed but I just thought he just worried about passing his tests. I know I should hear what he has to say and not kick him out of our bedroom but I just can't right now, he can sleep in the guest room for now.

"Are you all happy with our relationship and with me?" I ask them, "Don't do that, don't let what Keegan did make you second guess what we all have." Grayson says, he comes over to where I am and puts his hands on my face "I love you so much and I am happy okay don't ever doubt what I feel for you." Grayson tells me, Tank comes over and hugs me "You know how much I love you, I have since the time we gave you a hard time at the restaurant, I just didn't know it yet, and yes I am happy so happy with you and I don't mind sharing that with my best friends." Tank tells me, Axel turns me around, "I have loved you since you showed up at the cabin and stole my heart, you are it for me and I don't mind sharing you, as long as I get some alone time with you." Axel says, he gives me a kiss, Jax is next and he looks at me and pulls me in for a hug "You are so gorgeous and I fell in love with you that night too, I tried finding you and when I couldn't, yes I did go out with other girls but I didn't sleep with them, I couldn't because I loved you, I always will and I am so fucking happy with you and I can't wait to see what the next few years will bring." Jax tells me.

We are so caught up in the guys telling me how they feel. We didn't hear Keegan come in and he isn't alone Lacy is with him, "Are you fucking insane what is she doing here?" Grayson yells, all the guys are furious so am I,  "Please let me explain this is all my fault, I came to Keegan about a week ago and asked for his help, I know he didn't want anything to do with me but I was just not thinking and asked him to not tell any of you yet. I have a boyfriend well I did he was getting really upset if I even smiled at a guy, I definitely couldn't talk to one, so I broke up with him and told him there was someone else. I know that was stupid," she says, yeah I agree with her. "So I called and asked Keegan, if he could help me out I just wanted him to see us together. A little touching like a shoulder rub and a little kiss on the cheek close to the lips that it looks like we were kissing, I didn't actually kiss Keegan it just looked like it, he wouldn't let me kiss him on the lips and he told me that that was the last time, if he didn't believe me then I would have to go to the police." Lacy says, I look at Keegan and he looks miserable he looks at me and I can see tears in his eyes, "You should have told us about this and we could have helped or I would've not felt like you don't want to be with me anymore or you can't tell me anything, and no I wouldn't have been okay with this," l look at Lacy, "You should have gone to the police not Keegan and you had to know what it would do to our relationship if I found you, and Keegan what you did was wrong you don't keep something like that from me or us."

He nods his head, "I know I should have told you, all of you and I don't know why I didn't or why I agree to help, I just got scared I have never felt like this, I have never loved anyone but my mother and sister and my best friends, I'm so sorry I hurt you, I never kissed her she kissed me by my lips so it would look like it was real." He tells me, he runs his fingers through his hair, "Please Harper I love you so much" he gets on his knees in front of me, "I am still learning about relationships I have never had one this serious and I am going to fuck up, I won't ever do anything like this again, you know I always keep my word I never cheated on you and I won't ever, I am happy with you I was miserable because I was keeping this from all of you." Keegan tells all of us, I can tell he is telling me the truth, that's one of the things I love about him he would never tell me something that wasn't true, yes he did make a mistake by not telling me and the others, and now that I am not so upset, I think back to what I saw, Lacy was telling the truth she didn't kiss him on the lips just close so if you were standing outside it would look like she was. And yes she did rub his shoulders but he didn't look like he was enjoying it, and come to think about his laugh it was his fake laugh. "I have one question, were you trying to break up our relationship? Because you had to know that I would not be okay with that plan," I asked Keegan, before he could answer "It was me I showed up at the library he really was studying and he was going to check the books out and bring them home, but I begged him to help me, so I sat at the table with him the first night, then again tonight, the only thing he did wrong was not tell all of you and let me talk him into doing something stupid." Lacy says, I look at Keegan, "I didn't do it on purpose or to sabotage our relationship I mean what I said, I love you, I made a mistake one I won't ever make again.

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