Ghouls on a rainy day

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- makes the two of you a comfy pillow fort on his bed
- cuddles you and falls asleep in your arms as you play with his hair
- once he's asleep you're gonna be stuck there for a while fair warning for you

- please keep him inside the abbey because if you let him outside he will refuse to come back inside
- no matter how much he asks you, whines, tries to escape through his bedroom window, or what he offers you don't let him out
- if you do be prepared to deal with his attitude when you tell him to come back inside and to grab his arm when he tries to run so he can stay outside in the weather a while longer

- makes you tea/coffee/cocoa and just relaxes with you as you watch the weather outside his window
- wraps you in a blanket together and cuddles you as you watch TV or a movie
- likes playing card games and board games with you or putting together puzzles and watching you get all worked up when things don't go your way

- doesn't let you get out of bed unless you have a good reason like to go to the bathroom or to get
snacks/drinks for you both
- if he gets bored enough he'll make a giant stack of energy drink cans that him and the other ghouls been collecting and stealing from the siblings of sin who work at the abbey
- tells you disturbing/random facts randomly like the quickest way to the human heart and that you can hear a blue whales heartbeat from 2 miles away

- doesn't mind being stuck in the abbey because that means more cuddles and attention from you
- loves when you help him take care of the plants in his bedroom that he snuck in from the garden and courtyard
- makes you snacks and tea if you want him to and cuddles up in your arms as you lay together on his bed

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