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*Aether's POV*

I walked along with my boyfriend Xiao happy across Qingyun Peek street and looked over house to house.

"Why so excited?" Xiao stopped me from a traffic light and smiled light.

I sighed and smiled back. "Oh nothing, it's just I'm happy to be with you!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek before the light could turn green and walked away.

Xiao sighed happy and placed his hand on his right cheek that I kissed on. "You're too adorable." I laughed and continued walking with him to the next street.

While we almost arrived at Xiao's house he tapped on my shoulder. "Hey Aether..."

I turned my head to him and raised an eyebrow. "Well.. since we're dating now, have you ever thought anything about Ganyu..?"

I didn't except him to talk about her till now. "I thought you hated her now for what she did?" I made a worried expression.

"Or do you love her?"

"N-No! It's just, what will you do about her?" Xiao walked closer to me and glare at me sad.

"Well.. it's not like it's her fault. She can't do anything about it to love someone." I kicked a small rock.

"Besides I feel kinda sorry for her." Xiao was confused. "Why would you feel sorry for her? If Albedo wasn't in the middle of the crowd, you would've died."

He pushed me to him and hugged my head tight. "She's a total bitch." Xiao was now angry.

"Xiao, please don't say that," I sighed.

"Like i said, it's not her fault that she loves someone so bad. Have you heard of a yandere before?" I released his tight hug.

"I do..." My lover then mumbled something by himself and looked at me creepily. "What was that?" I tilted my head.

"Hmm.. nothing lets just go." Now I was curious of what he said but eh. I'll stick with it.

Not like it's something important anyways.

"There, my house. I will introduce you to my father." He pointed at the chunk light orange house with many windows and curtains.

Xiao looked for his keys while we get to the door closer and closer. "Go to the second floor."

I nodded at him and walked upstairs to the second floor. He was right behind me.

Do I really have to knock?

I nervously turned my head to Xiao and glared at him with a hesitate face. "Do I really have to.." he sighed.

"Are you that scared of my father?" He knocked them the doors himself and before I could blink, the doors were already open.

"Hello my wise son and, Aether." I was shocked whom I saw. "Mr.Zhongli?!" He laughed gracefully. "It's been a while hasn't it? Do you miss my history lessons?"

I didn't know what to say. "Dad! We're not in school." Xiao rolled his eyes. Mr. Zhongli laughed again. "Oh come on, it's been weeks since you had holidays I'm just saying my little sweet guy." He pinched Xiao's cheeks and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"D-Dad! Stop!" His face blushed out of embarrassment. I giggled.

^3rd Person's POV^

Sadden and angry Ganyu kneeled herself crying and sobbing endlessly. Her plan had miserably failed. She knows it's been 2 weeks that it happened but she lost.

Everyone hates her now for what she did. "If o-pnly I could travel b-back in time..." Ganyu continues whimpering and crying.

She had to come with another plan. She's a high IQ student after all. She stood up and wiped her tears off.

Her mind blew on a time traveler! But who could one be..? Her thoughts dig deeper into it that she didn't even notice she had been dreaming there for hours.

After a while she snapped her fingers and grin with an evil tune. "Maybe I should give him some time to say goodbye to the world this time."

WHATSUP! Anyways yes I know this is short but doesn't every first episode gotta start with a short one? 😀

Promise I'll make up to 1300 words in the next one ^^



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