3 Days Left Before Z-Day

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The next day...

Takashi had parked his car two blocks away from the school, just like usual he would walk from his car to school. 

Takashi yawned as he looked at his phone, "Man, I'm exhausted."

Yesterday he and Saeko watched a few movies, chatted, and had some intimate moments, but nothing major. He knew Saeko's character, she was actually very curious about sex and wanted to be intimate but due to her past, she held herself back a lot. 

Takashi made sure not to pressure her, he knew they would eventually get there but right now was not that time. 

After they made out and had their in-home date Takashi needed to leave, Saeko understood and asked him if he wanted to hang out tomorrow, in this case, that would be today. 

Returning to the present, Takashi was on his phone looking at the info about the Island he planned to use.  The Island chosen was Hashima Island an old abandoned man-made Island, it seemed perfect, it had buildings and farmable land, but he was worried about the structures and if they were safe enough. If they weren't, then he'd have to tear them down somehow, the only plan he had was blowing them up. Thankfully he knew how to work explosives so tearing down those buildings wouldn't be hard. 

Takashi just needed the last few adjustments and basically, everything would be done. 

Takashi put away his phone and yawned, "I forgot how much I hated going to school so early."

Takashi noticed some of the girls looking at him as he stood by the school gates, when he looked at them they looked away and giggled, [At least the view is nice], he thoughts he looked at the short skirts the girls wore. 

Takashi turned back to the main road in front of the gate, there he saw a black limo arrive, "She's finally arrived."

The limo stopped in front of the school and out popped the guard, after the guard opened the door Saya stepped out, once she saw Takashi she smiled and waved, "Takashi!"

Takashi waved back, "Sup."

Saya quickly said her goodbyes to her personnel and ran up to him, "Did you wait long?"

"Nah, I just got here", Takashi said as they walked towards the entrance of the building. 

"Ready for today?", Saya asked wondering if he was happy to be around her. 

Takashi wanted to tease this pink-haired teen, "Ready for what? Seems like any normal day, in fact, I feel like taking a nap."

"You mean you're not even excited to see me?", she asked with a pout, she was obviously trying to be cute. 

Takashi smiled, "No not really", Saya scoffed and shoved him, Takashi and Saya laughed. 

Once they entered the building they went to their classroom and the bell rang commencing class. Takashi spent most of his breaks with Saya and Kohta, and when lunch arrived he quickly went to Kyoko's and they spent some time together. Halfway through his lunch break Takashi excused himself and left Kyoko's office and went back to Saya. 

He made sure to give them an intelligent response when they asked where he went. 

After class, Takashi would say goodbye to Saya and then he'd head to the gym where Saeko would be for training. Once he was done with training he left towards home, when he got home he was surprised that he didn't have anything to do. 

"Oh yeah, I finished everything yesterday", Takashi went to his room and laid down. "Now I can rest", Takashi said with a  groan, he was exhausted from working almost every day on the zombie plan. 

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