5 Days Left Before Z-Day

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After almost 3 hours of hanging around the Takagi residence, Takashi was finally leaving, he was currently at the doors of the mansion preparing to leave. 

"It was good to see you again Komuro", Yuriko said while holding his hands.

Souichiro grabbed his shoulder, "come back whenever you want son."

Takashi smirked, "Thank you mister, and misses Takagi."

"Oh stop that, you can call us mother and father, Takagi makes it sound like we're strangers", Yuriko said with a smile.

"Okay! It's getting late now, I bet Takashi has many other things to do than just wait at our entrance", Saya interrupted while pushing Takashi away. 

"Um, goodbye then, see you next time", Takashi said as he was pushed away out of 

"Bye", Yuriko said as she and Souichiro waved at him.

As Saya and Takashi passed the front door, Saya sighed and shook her head, "Those two are a handful. Seriously they are so infuriating."

"It's okay, honestly I thought they were pretty cool too, compared to how I imagined them", Takashi said while patting her head.

Saya blushed, "I hope they didn't bother you."

Takashi smiled and shook his head, "Nah, it's fine. I had a great time today."

"Me too", Saya said as she held his hand, "I guess it's time for you to leave."

"Yeah, I had fun today, even if we didn't spend any alone time", Takashi said. 

Saya looked at Takashi and at that moment a rush of courage came to her, she leaned in and straight-up kissed him. 

Takashi was amazed by her move, but he didn't dislike it, he grabbed her and they started kissing passionately. Saya was so embarrassed but once Takashi held her close, she started embracing the passionate kiss. 

They stopped kissing and Saya bit her lip missing his, Takashi was amazed by their kiss, her lips tasted so good, like peaches and honey. 

"I guess you'll text me later then", Saya said biting her thumbnail and lightly swinging. 

"Yeah, I'll text you when I get home", Takashi kissed her once more and then headed for his car. 

Just as he was about to get on, Saya called him, "Takashi, I love you."

Takashi smiled, he winked at her, "Love you too." Saya waved at him as he started his car and drove away. 

Takashi sighed as he drove out of the Takagi residence, "What a day, I thought her dad was going to be as hard on me as he was in the anime."

He then realized how weird that sounded coming out of his mouth, "I sometimes can't believe I'm still in this world. I just work and fuck and that helps me distract myself from this fucked up scenario."

Takashi's hands started shaking, he grabbed his left hand and took a breath. Even if he acted calm and collected, he had worries, he worried if he would be able to survive this. He was preparing for any event that he could come up with in his mind, but he knew this wasn't a movie.

He didn't know if he'd survive, he died once, and he didn't want that again. 

Takashi took another breath, "Come on Takashi, you got this. It's gonna be alright."

After a moment of silence, he calmed down and pulled out his phone, he was calling his sexy purple-haired swordswoman. 

Not even one ring, the phone was answered, "Hello", said a soft gentle voice. 

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