Number 11 and wedding shopping

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"Time for number 11." George smiled and said quietly to Hermione as it was three in the morning. 

"Yes, it is, George. It is time for the ultimate prank. This prank will be the best one ever pulled in the history of pranks. Now, earlier I bought this neon red hair dye that I think he would hate. I was thinking that we could go into our room, and stupify him, then quietly dye his hair so not to wake anyone else up." Hermione suggested.

"I think that is a perfect idea." George agreed. Hermione went into the drawers of the kitchen and pulled out tin foil and then went upstairs with into her and Draco's bedroom with him. "I'll turn the lights on." said George

"No, don-" Hermione whispered urgently, however it was too late for George flipped the switch and the bright lights flew on.

"Mia...?" Draco groaned as he slowly woke up, not registering anything around him

"Stupify" Hermione whispered, her wand pointed at Draco. Immediately, Draco's back landed on the bed again and Hermione looked at George.

"Opps?" he asked innocently. Hermione shook her head at him and then the titular twins got to work.


"Morning everyone." Hermione said as she skipped down the stairs wearing her silk pajamas. She pranced to her spot at the table, where she sat across from Molly. Everyone else, besides Draco and George were at the table, all still in their pajamas.

"Moring 'Mione. What's got you so happy?" Ginny asked her best friend.

Hermione smiled happily at her, "Can't I smile broadly without someone assuming something?"

"Oh, you're definitely up to something. Spill." Harry said.

"Morning my dear family who I love." George said as he too, skipped into the dining room in his pajamas and sat next to Hermione.

"Why are you two so happy?" Bill asked the titular twins.

"It feels like Fred and George when they completed a big prank all over again." Charlie inferred.

"Oh! What did you do this time!? They met here at their favorite hour to complete number 11 last night. That must be what this is about!" Ron yelled.

"Why, what do you mean, Ronald? Can't George and I be happy this fine morning without any of you guys making any weird assumptions?" Hermione asked, a hand to her chest. "Oh, and Molly. I picked out my wedding dress last night with George. My friend Elsie will be bringing it here today when she comes." 

"Oh, amazing. I can't wait to see it."

"Morning everyone." Draco said groggily as he walked into the room. 

"Morning." everyone answered, Ron looked up to see Draco walk in, except his usual platinum blonde hair was neon red. Ron couldn't do anything but shriek like he did when he saw Hagrid's spider arrogog in the forbidden forest. 

"What?!" Everyone -besides George and Hermione who were smirking- asked before looking up, seeing Draco's hair and gasping.

"What!?! Do I have something in my hair!? What is it!?!" Draco yelled, sacredly running his hands through his hair. Hermione and George couldn't hold it back anymore and let out their laughter loudly. 

"You two did this to him!?!" Percy asked, or more like yelled.

"Did what!?!" Draco asked frantically.

"We accomplished number 11!" George yelled and high fived Hermione, still laughing hysterically.

"Well, what was number 11!?!" Draco yelled at his fiancé and his fiancé's titular twin. Charlie got up and handed Draco a mirror. As soon as Draco saw his reflection, he shrieked, "Number 11 was to dye my hair neon red!?!?!?!"

"No, number eleven said exactly, 'Dye Malfoy's hair a bright, bold color'. Not exactly neon red. But it was the color we had." George specified. "Oh, and just a clarity, Fred and I came up with the whole list ourselves. Including the part where we dyed your hair a bright bold color. So, don't blame 'Mi."

"You guys dyed my hair neon red!?" Draco asked, still unbelieving of it. 

"Yes. We also charmed it so you can't use magic to have it come out. So, don't even bother trying to use magic." Hermione said

"Mia, we're getting married in two weeks. That means my hair is going to be neon red for our wedding." Draco tried to reason with her.

"Don't worry, we charmed it so you have your natural hair that you're in love with for our wedding day and every day after." Hermione argued with her fiancé.

"But I still have to go out wedding shopping today with neon red hair?" Draco asked, in a pleading tone

"Yes. You still have to go wedding shopping today." Hermione said, getting up and kissing him. "Speaking of which, bride's maids and groom's men, you should start getting ready to leave for Madam Malkin's."


"'Mione! OMG, you're hair looks amazing, who's your hair dresser? Oh wait, I am." Elsie said as soon she walked into the Burrow.

"Elsie! Hi!" Hermione said, walking over to her and hugging her. Once she pulled away, everyone was already surrounding them. "Everyone, this is Elsie. Elsie, this is Molly, Arthur, Bill, Fleur, Victorie, Luna, Percy, Penelopy, Charlie, Ginny, George, Ron, Harry, and my fiance Draco." she introduced

"Hello." Everyone said

"Wait, 'Mione, You're just so we're clear, you're fiance is the one with neon red hair, right?" Elsie asked, pointing to Draco

"Yes. I am. She and George dyed my hair neon red for their bucket list. It won't be like this for the wedding, though." Draco said.

"Oh, okay, then. 'Mione, George, you two did a great job dying his hair for never going to hair dressing school." Elsie complimented. 

George walked over to Hermione, slung his arm around her shoulders, squeezed her shoulders, and said, "Yep. You can say it, 'We're amazing.'" 

"Shut up." Charlie said, slightly pushing George. Everyone laughed at the antics in front of them being shown by their son, brother, or friend.

"Alright, alright. Elsie, it is great to meet you. Now, let's go wedding shopping!" Molly squealed. Again, everyone laughed, Molly threw her hands up, "What? Am I not allowed to be excited for my daughter's wedding? Now let's go." 


"There they are. The newly engaged couple." Blaise said to Hermione and Draco who were holding hands while they were walking up to them with the whole group behind them in Diagon ally. "Congratulations."

"Hey mate, thanks." Draco said, giving Blaise a hand-shake into a hug. 

"Hey 'Mione. Congrats." Theo said, pulling Hermione into a hug. 

"Thank you, Theo." Hermione said, hugging him back. Then, they switched, Hermione hugged Blaise and Draco did a hand-shake into a hug with Theo. 

"Uh, mate, what's up with your hair?" Theo asked Draco

"Mia and George dyed it last night for a thing on a bucket list they have to finish before either one get married."Draco explianed

"Oh, got it. Morning Mr. and Mrs. Weasley." Blaise said, waving

"Oh, please, Blaise, Theo, call us Molly and Arthur, we're nearly family now. We're Hermione's family, you're Draco's family, and they're getting married." Molly said.

"Alright. Thanks. So, shall we go shopping for the wedding of the centary?" Theo asked

"Oh! 'Mione, here, I have your dress." Elsie said, going to her car, getting a big black bag and handing it to Hermione.

"Thank you so much, Elsie. You are a life savor."

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