The Burrow

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"Hey Draco, could you go and tell George we're heading out? He's coming with us." Hermione asked.

"Yeah, of course." Draco said, he walked across the hall and knocked on George's door.

"Hey Draco, 'Mi sent you to come get me?" George asked, opening the door

"Yeah. You ready?" Draco asked

"Yeah. Let's go see the family." George said, walking out with a suitcase and locking the door behind him. He and Draco crossed the hall and walked into Hermione and Draco's apartment. "Hey, 'Mi."

"Hey George, did you bring the crowbar in case we can't open the floorboard ourselves?" Hermione asked

"Yeah. The box containing the list will probably be pretty dusty too since we haven't opened it in almost two years. Just a heads up."


"I am so confused, what list? What floorboard and why a crowbar?" Draco asked

"Don't worry about it, babe. You'll find out soon enough." Hermione said, kissing him slightly, then taking his hand and George's hand. "Let's go."


As soon as George, Hermione and Draco apparated to the Burrow, they were swarmed with red hair. Among the crowd, you could see one head of brown hair, one head of light blonde, and one head of white blonde. "Congratulations!" was heard from everywhere in various voices.

"Thank you. We'll be right back." Hermione said before letting go of Draco's hand and running inside and up the stairs with George

"What was that about?" Harry asked

"Don't know. They were talking about some list back home, but they didn't say what it was." Draco answered

"A list? What list?" Percy asked

"The bucket list of course!" Charlie said, everyone turned towards him in confusion, "The one they have to complete before either one of them get married." Charlie specified

"Ohh." Everyone other than Draco, Luna, Fleur and Victore said.

"Fred and George created a bucket list of things they wanted to do before either one of them got married. But when Fred died and Hermione helped George get better, George asked Hermione to be his titular twin and finish the list with him. She said she would. So that's what they went in so quickly. Because Hermione's getting married." Molly explained to them

"What's on it?" Draco asked

"None of us know. Only them. They speak in code when they talk about it. So, like, if they wanted to do one, they would say, 'Hey, let's do number 28' or something like that. Then, they would go do it. After they do it is when we find out." Ron explained

"That's why none of us saw it coming when they turned Ron's face as blue as a smurf." Harry said, laughing.

"What's a smurf?" asked Draco


Hermione and George ran up the stairs and into George's room as soon as quickly as they could and began searching for floorboard 98. "96... 97... 98. Here!" Hermione shouted. She and George dropped to their knees and began lifting the floorboard. Not long after it lifted up. George reached in and picked up a box, carefully he opened it and took out an old looking paper.

"Let's see how man we have to do." George said as he opened the folded paper. "Okay, the undone numbers are, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, and 23."

"And in total, we have to do 15 before the wedding." Hermione said. 

"I am especially excited for number 11." George said, smirking

"Me too." 

The two of them started heading down the stairs into the kitchen for lunch, George having the list in his hand "I think we should do number 18 first. That'll be interesting." George said, walking into the kitchen where everyone else was. They both took their seats at the table next to each other with Draco on the other side of Hermione and Arthur sitting on the other side of George. Arthur was sitting at the head of the table next to molly. Next to Molly is Percy, then Penelopy, next to her was Ginny then Victorie, then Fleur next to her at the other head of the table across from Arthur is Bill next to him sat Luna who was next to Ron, Harry sat next to Ron on his left, across Ginny, and Draco on his right.

"Do you even know what number 18 means, George?" Hermione asked

"Nope." He said, popping the 'p' at the end, "Fredi and I just heard it somewhere and put it on there." 

Hermione laughed. "Okay, we'll do that first. But I think we can mix number 18 and number 4 together. Considering the wedding is very soon and we don't have too much time. I was also thinking that we could cross out number 9 because we've been doing that our whole lives without even realizing it." she suggested

"I agree." George said, crossing off number 9. "When should we do 18 and 4?"

"...Tomorrow? The wedding is coming very soon, so we don't have too much time, but we can defiantly do it." Hermione said, George nodded and Molly took the chance to speak up

"When is the wedding exactly? Do you guys have any plans set it place?"

"Yeah, that wedding will be on May 1st. But we don't want anything big. We were thinking just all of you, Draco's friends, his parents, and some close friends. Like Neville, Dean, and Seamus." Hermione said

"Where will it be?" Fleur asked

"In a public park Mia grew up playing in." Draco said, "She showed me it once, it was absolutely stunning." 

"Please, let us hold the reception here. We can do it like we did Bill and Fleur's." Molly said. Draco and Hermione looked at each other and shared a conversation without even speaking words

"We would be honored, Molly." Hermione smiled, looking back at Molly

"Amazing! Don't worry about planning it, I'll handle it. With your needs and wants, of course. But you just focus on the list. You only have two weeks to complete it, seeing as it is April 17th." Molly said.

"Thank you so much, Molly. You don't know how much we appreciate it." Hermione said

"You've done so much for this family, Hermione. It's the least we could do." Arthur said. Hermione smiled. This, these people around her. They were her family. 

The Titular twin (dramione)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن